/* Generated by XDS Modula-2 to ANSI C v4.20 translator */ #define X2C_int32 #define X2C_index32 #ifndef X2C_H_ #include "X2C.h" #endif #define sdrtest_C_ #ifndef osi_H_ #include "osi.h" #endif #include #ifndef udp_H_ #include "udp.h" #endif #ifndef aprsstr_H_ #include "aprsstr.h" #endif #ifndef sdr_H_ #include "sdr.h" #endif /* test rtl_tcp iq fm demodulator by OE5DXL */ #define sdrtest_MAXCHANNELS 64 #define sdrtest_DEFAULTPOWERSAVE 0 #define sdrtest_SAMPSIZE 32 /* samples per sdr call */ #define sdrtest_TUNESTEP 1000 /* minimal tuning step */ #define sdrtest_TUNEBAND 200000 /* step to minimize freq jumps from inexact pll */ #define sdrtest_DEFAULTMAXWAKE 2000 /* ms stay awake after squelch close */ #define sdrtest_DEFAULTOFFSET 10000 /* shift tune frequency to where is no rx if possible */ #define sdrtest_NL "\012" #define sdrtest_cFM "F" #define sdrtest_cAM "A" #define sdrtest_cUSB "U" #define sdrtest_cLSB "L" #define sdrtest_cSCAN "S" #define sdrtest_cLABEL "%" #define sdrtest_cIQ "Q" #define sdrtest_SCANHEADER 12 #define sdrtest_MAXSCANSLOTS 1400 #define sdrtest_SOUNDBUF 1024 #define sdrtest_DEFAULTFIRLEN 32 enum CODEC {sdrtest_S16, sdrtest_U8, sdrtest_ALAW}; struct FREQTAB; struct FREQTAB { uint32_t hz; uint32_t width; uint32_t afc; uint32_t agc; uint32_t firwid; uint32_t firlen; char modulation; sdr_pFIR fir; }; struct STICKPARM; struct STICKPARM { uint32_t val; char ok0; char changed; }; struct SQUELCH; struct SQUELCH { float lev; float lp; float u1; float u2; float il; float medmed; float mutlev; float peakrssi; int32_t sqsave; int32_t wakeness; int32_t pcmc; int32_t lastpcm; uint32_t hz10; uint32_t nexttick; double scanlo; double scanstep; double scanstepc; uint32_t scanstartkhz; uint32_t scanslot; uint32_t scanslots; int32_t scanduty; char scandb[1412]; char scansq[1412]; uint32_t channame; uint32_t waterp; uint32_t waterend; uint8_t waterdat[40]; }; struct UDPTX; typedef struct UDPTX * pUDPTX; struct UDPTX { pUDPTX next; uint32_t ip; uint32_t destport; }; static int32_t soundfd; static uint32_t sndw; static uint32_t freqc; static uint32_t freqcau; static uint32_t midfreq; static uint32_t lastmidfreq; static uint32_t downsamp; static uint32_t mixto; static uint32_t powersave; static uint32_t soundbufsize; static short sndbuf[1024]; static uint8_t sndbuf8[1024]; static struct sdr_RX rxx[64]; static sdr_pRX prx[65]; static short sampx[64][32]; static struct STICKPARM stickparm[256]; static struct SQUELCH squelchs[65]; static uint32_t iqrate; static uint32_t samphz; static uint32_t maxrx; static uint32_t maxwake; static uint32_t tuneoffset; static uint32_t tuneto; static uint32_t f32; static char url[1001]; static char port[1001]; static char soundfn[1001]; static char parmfn[1001]; static char verb; static char reconn; static char nosquelch; static char watermark; static char isfile; static char stopbyquelch; static uint8_t pcm8; static double offset; static pUDPTX udplev; static pUDPTX udpsq; static pUDPTX udpsounds; static int32_t udpsendfd; static int32_t cfgfd; static uint32_t cfgip; static uint32_t CRC32TAB[256]; static uint8_t ALAWTAB[4096]; static void Error(char text[], uint32_t text_len) { X2C_PCOPY((void **)&text,text_len); osi_WrStr(text, text_len); osi_WrStrLn(" error abort", 13ul); X2C_ABORT(); X2C_PFREE(text); } /* end Error() */ static void G711TAB(void) { uint32_t j; uint32_t i; for (i = 0UL; i<=2047UL; i++) { if (i<32UL) j = i; else if (i<64UL) j = 16UL+i/2UL; else if (i<128UL) j = 32UL+i/4UL; else if (i<256UL) j = 48UL+i/8UL; else if (i<512UL) j = 64UL+i/16UL; else if (i<1024UL) j = 80UL+i/32UL; else j = 96UL+i/64UL; j = (uint32_t)(uint8_t)((uint8_t)j^0x55U); ALAWTAB[2048UL-i] = (uint8_t)j; ALAWTAB[2048UL+i] = (uint8_t)(j+128UL); } /* end for */ ALAWTAB[0U] = ALAWTAB[1U]; } /* end G711TAB() */ static int32_t GetIp(char h[], uint32_t h_len, uint32_t * ip, uint32_t * port0) { uint32_t p; uint32_t n; uint32_t i; char ok0; int32_t GetIp_ret; X2C_PCOPY((void **)&h,h_len); p = 0UL; h[h_len-1] = 0; *ip = 0UL; for (i = 0UL; i<=4UL; i++) { n = 0UL; ok0 = 0; while ((uint8_t)h[p]>='0' && (uint8_t)h[p]<='9') { ok0 = 1; n = (n*10UL+(uint32_t)(uint8_t)h[p])-48UL; ++p; } if (!ok0) { GetIp_ret = -1L; goto label; } if (i<3UL) { if (h[p]!='.' || n>255UL) { GetIp_ret = -1L; goto label; } *ip = *ip*256UL+n; } else if (i==3UL) { *ip = *ip*256UL+n; if (h[p]!=':' || n>255UL) { GetIp_ret = -1L; goto label; } } else if (n>65535UL) { GetIp_ret = -1L; goto label; } *port0 = n; ++p; } /* end for */ GetIp_ret = 0L; label:; X2C_PFREE(h); return GetIp_ret; } /* end GetIp() */ static uint32_t sdrtest_POLY = 0x4C11DB7UL; static void GenCRC32tab(void) { uint32_t j; uint32_t i; uint32_t crc; uint32_t revpoly; revpoly = 0UL; for (i = 0UL; i<=31UL; i++) { if (X2C_IN(i,32,0x4C11DB7UL)) revpoly |= (1UL<<31UL-i); } /* end for */ for (i = 0UL; i<=255UL; i++) { crc = i; for (j = 0UL; j<=7UL; j++) { if ((crc&1)) crc = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(crc/2UL)^revpoly); else crc = crc/2UL; } /* end for */ CRC32TAB[255UL-i] = (uint32_t)crc^0xFF000000UL; } /* end for */ } /* end GenCRC32tab() */ static void card(const char s[], uint32_t s_len, uint32_t * p, uint32_t * n, char * ok0) { *ok0 = 0; *n = 0UL; while ((uint8_t)s[*p]>='0' && (uint8_t)s[*p]<='9') { *n = ( *n*10UL+(uint32_t)(uint8_t)s[*p])-48UL; *ok0 = 1; ++*p; } } /* end card() */ static void sendudp(const char data[], uint32_t data_len, int32_t len, pUDPTX pu) { int32_t i; char * pc; pc = (char *)data; while (pu) { i = udpsend(udpsendfd, pc, len, pu->destport, pu->ip); pu = pu->next; } } /* end sendudp() */ static char dBbyte(float v) { v = osic_ln((v+1.0f)*9.5367431640625E-7f)*8.685889638f; /* 0.5 dB step */ if (v<0.0f) v = 0.0f; else if (v>255.9f) v = 255.0f; return (char)(uint32_t)X2C_TRUNCC(v,0UL,X2C_max_longcard); } /* end dBbyte() */ static char sqbyte(float s, float n) { if (s>n) { return (char)(uint32_t)X2C_TRUNCC(X2C_DIVR(255.0f*n,s),0UL, X2C_max_longcard); } return '\377'; } /* end sqbyte() */ static void int0(const char s[], uint32_t s_len, uint32_t * p, int32_t * n, char * ok0) { char sgn; uint32_t c; if (s[*p]=='-') { sgn = 1; ++*p; } else sgn = 0; card(s, s_len, p, &c, ok0); if (sgn) *n = -(int32_t)c; else *n = (int32_t)c; } /* end int() */ static void fix(const char s[], uint32_t s_len, uint32_t * p, double * x, char * ok0) { double m; char sgn; if (s[*p]=='-') { sgn = 1; ++*p; } else sgn = 0; m = 1.0; *ok0 = 0; *x = 0.0; while ((uint8_t)s[*p]>='0' && (uint8_t)s[*p]<='9' || s[*p]=='.') { if (s[*p]=='.') m = 0.1; else if (m==1.0) { *x = *x*10.0+(double)((uint32_t)(uint8_t)s[*p]-48UL); } else { *x = *x+(double)((uint32_t)(uint8_t)s[*p]-48UL)*m; m = m*0.1; } *ok0 = 1; ++*p; } if (sgn) *x = -*x; } /* end fix() */ static pUDPTX openudptx(const char s[], uint32_t s_len, int32_t * fd) { pUDPTX utx; uint32_t ip; uint32_t port0; if (GetIp(s, s_len, &ip, &port0)>=0L) { if (*fd<0L) *fd = openudp(); if (*fd<0L) Error("cannot open udp send socket", 28ul); } else return 0; osic_alloc((char * *) &utx, sizeof(struct UDPTX)); if (utx==0) Error("out of memory", 14ul); utx->ip = ip; utx->destport = port0; utx->next = 0; return utx; } /* end openudptx() */ static void wwav(int32_t fd, pUDPTX pu, uint8_t codec, uint32_t ch, uint32_t hz) { char b[44]; uint32_t bytes; bytes = ch; if (codec==sdrtest_S16) bytes = bytes*2UL; strncpy(b,"RIFF WAVEfmt ",44u); b[4U] = '\377'; /* len */ b[5U] = '\377'; b[6U] = '\377'; b[7U] = '\377'; b[16U] = '\020'; b[17U] = 0; b[18U] = 0; b[19U] = 0; if (codec==sdrtest_ALAW) b[20U] = '\006'; else b[20U] = '\001'; b[21U] = 0; b[22U] = (char)ch; /* channels */ b[23U] = 0; b[24U] = (char)(hz&255UL); /* samp */ b[25U] = (char)(hz/256UL&255UL); b[26U] = (char)(hz/65536UL&255UL); b[27U] = (char)(hz/16777216UL); b[28U] = (char)(hz*bytes&255UL); /* byte/s */ b[29U] = (char)((hz*bytes)/256UL&255UL); b[30U] = (char)((hz*bytes)/65536UL); b[31U] = 0; b[32U] = (char)bytes; /* block byte */ b[33U] = 0; if (codec) b[34U] = '\010'; else b[34U] = '\020'; b[35U] = 0; b[36U] = 'd'; b[37U] = 'a'; b[38U] = 't'; b[39U] = 'a'; b[40U] = '\377'; /* len */ b[41U] = '\377'; b[42U] = '\377'; b[43U] = '\377'; if (fd>=0L) osi_WrBin(fd, (char *)b, 44u/1u, 44UL); if (pu) sendudp((char *)b, 44u/1u, 44L, pu); } /* end wwav() */ static void Parms(void) { char s[1001]; double fr; uint32_t n; uint32_t m; int32_t ni; char ok0; pUDPTX utx; uint32_t cfgport; tuneoffset = 10000UL; tuneto = 0UL; reconn = 0; verb = 0; pcm8 = sdrtest_S16; mixto = 0UL; strncpy(url,"",1001u); strncpy(port,"1234",1001u); soundfn[0] = 0; iqrate = 2048000UL; samphz = 16000UL; offset = 0.0; strncpy(parmfn,"sdrcfg.txt",1001u); powersave = 0UL; maxrx = 63UL; nosquelch = 0; watermark = 0; maxwake = 2000UL; udplev = 0; udpsq = 0; udpsounds = 0; downsamp = 0UL; udpsendfd = -1L; for (;;) { osi_NextArg(s, 1001ul); if (s[0U]==0) break; if ((s[0U]=='-' && s[1U]) && s[2U]==0) { if ((s[1U]=='s' || s[1U]=='S') || s[1U]=='A') { if (s[1U]=='S') pcm8 = sdrtest_U8; else if (s[1U]=='A') pcm8 = sdrtest_ALAW; osi_NextArg(soundfn, 1001ul); utx = openudptx(soundfn, 1001ul, &udpsendfd); if (utx) { /* send sound via udp */ soundfn[0U] = 0; utx->next = udpsounds; udpsounds = utx; } } else if (s[1U]=='c') { osi_NextArg(s, 1001ul); parmfn[0] = 0; if (GetIp(s, 1001ul, &cfgip, &cfgport)>=0L) { cfgfd = openudp(); if (cfgfd>=0L && bindudp(cfgfd, cfgport)<0L) { Error("-c cannot bind inport", 22ul); } ni = socknonblock(cfgfd); } else { cfgfd = -1L; aprsstr_Assign(parmfn, 1001ul, s, 1001ul); } } else if (s[1U]=='o') { /* offset */ osi_NextArg(s, 1001ul); n = 0UL; fix(s, 1001ul, &n, &offset, &ok0); if (!ok0) Error(" -o ", 10ul); } else if (s[1U]=='T') { /* tune manual */ osi_NextArg(s, 1001ul); n = 0UL; fix(s, 1001ul, &n, &fr, &ok0); fr = fr*1.E+6+0.5; if (!ok0 || fr>4.294967295E+9) Error(" -T ", 10ul); tuneto = (uint32_t)X2C_TRUNCC(fr,0UL,X2C_max_longcard); } else if (s[1U]=='d') { /* sampelrate to output divide */ osi_NextArg(s, 1001ul); if (!aprsstr_StrToCard(s, 1001ul, &downsamp)) { Error(" -d ", 23ul); } } else if (s[1U]=='F') { /* afc speed */ osi_NextArg(s, 1001ul); if (!aprsstr_StrToCard(s, 1001ul, &n)) { Error(" -F ", 15ul); } sdr_afcspeed = (int32_t)(2147483647UL/(n+1UL)); } else if (s[1U]=='m') { /* downmix to */ osi_NextArg(s, 1001ul); if ((!aprsstr_StrToCard(s, 1001ul, &mixto) || mixto<1UL) || mixto>2UL) { Error(" -m <1..2>", 11ul); } } else if (s[1U]=='a') { /* maximal active rx */ osi_NextArg(s, 1001ul); if (!aprsstr_StrToCard(s, 1001ul, &maxrx)) { Error(" -a ", 13ul); } } else if (s[1U]=='B') { /* size of sound samples sent once */ osi_NextArg(s, 1001ul); if (!aprsstr_StrToCard(s, 1001ul, &soundbufsize) || soundbufsize>1024UL) { Error(" -B ", 13ul); } soundbufsize = (soundbufsize/2UL)*2UL; /* make even for stereo */ } else if (s[1U]=='t') { osi_NextArg(s, 1001ul); /* url */ n = 0UL; while ((n<1000UL && s[n]) && s[n]!=':') { if (n<1000UL) url[n] = s[n]; ++n; } if (n>1000UL) n = 1000UL; url[n] = 0; if (s[n]==':') { m = 0UL; ++n; while ((n<1000UL && s[n]) && m<1000UL) { port[m] = s[n]; ++n; ++m; } if (m>1000UL) m = 1000UL; port[m] = 0; } } else if (s[1U]=='r') { /* sampelrate */ osi_NextArg(s, 1001ul); if (!aprsstr_StrToCard(s, 1001ul, &samphz) || samphz>256000UL) { Error(" -r (max 256000)", 22ul); } } else if (s[1U]=='O') { /* sampelrate */ osi_NextArg(s, 1001ul); if (!aprsstr_StrToCard(s, 1001ul, &tuneoffset) || tuneoffset>25000000UL) { Error(" -O ", 9ul); } } else if (s[1U]=='i') { /* iq sampelrate */ osi_NextArg(s, 1001ul); if (!aprsstr_StrToCard(s, 1001ul, &iqrate)) { Error(" -i ", 9ul); } } else if (s[1U]=='v') verb = 1; else if (s[1U]=='k') reconn = 1; else if (s[1U]=='e') watermark = 1; else if (s[1U]=='q') { stopbyquelch = 1; /* do not output audio samples if all squelchs closed */ } else if (s[1U]=='f') { osi_NextArg(s, 1001ul); if ((s[0U]=='i' && s[1U]=='1') && s[2U]=='6') f32 = 2UL; else if ((s[0U]=='f' && s[1U]=='3') && s[2U]=='2') f32 = 4UL; else if (s[0U]=='u' && s[1U]=='8') f32 = 1UL; else Error("-f u8|i16|f32", 14ul); } else if (s[1U]=='w') { /* maximum wake time */ osi_NextArg(s, 1001ul); if (!aprsstr_StrToCard(s, 1001ul, &maxwake)) { Error(" -w ", 9ul); } } else if (s[1U]=='z') { /* powersave time */ osi_NextArg(s, 1001ul); if (!aprsstr_StrToCard(s, 1001ul, &powersave)) { Error(" -z ", 9ul); } nosquelch = 0; } else if (s[1U]=='Z') { /* powersave time */ osi_NextArg(s, 1001ul); if (!aprsstr_StrToCard(s, 1001ul, &powersave)) { Error(" -Z ", 9ul); } nosquelch = 1; } else if (s[1U]=='L') { /* udp send scanners dBs */ osi_NextArg(s, 1001ul); utx = openudptx(s, 1001ul, &udpsendfd); if (utx==0) Error("-L ip:port", 11ul); utx->next = udplev; udplev = utx; } else if (s[1U]=='N') { /* ALLOCATE(utx, SIZE(utx^)); IF utx=NIL THEN Error("udp socket out of memory") END; IF GetIp(s, utx^.ip, utx^.destport)>=0 THEN IF udpsendfd<0 THEN udpsendfd:=udp.openudp() END; IF udpsendfd<0 THEN Error("cannot open udp send socket" ) END; ELSE Error("-L ip:port") END; */ /* udp send scanners squelchs */ osi_NextArg(s, 1001ul); utx = openudptx(s, 1001ul, &udpsendfd); if (utx==0) Error("-N ip:port", 11ul); utx->next = udpsq; udpsq = utx; } else if (s[1U]=='D') { /* udp send scanners dBs */ osi_NextArg(s, 1001ul); sdr_debfd = osi_OpenWrite(s, 1001ul); if (sdr_debfd<0L) Error("-D debug file open", 19ul); } else { if (s[1U]=='h') { osi_WrStrLn("", 1ul); osi_WrStrLn("AM/FM/SSB/IQ Multirx from rtl_tcp (8 bit IQ via t\ cpip or pipe or file) to audio channel(s) 8/16 bit PCM by oe5dxl", 114ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -A or ALAW (G.711) n-c\ hannel sound stream pipe/UDP", 78ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -a maximum active rx to limit c\ pu load, if number is reached,", 80ul); osi_WrStrLn(" no more inactive rx will l\ isten to become active", 72ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -B sound samples sent at once. \ With UDP take care: double number of bytes with 16bit PCM", 107ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -c read channels config from fi\ le (sdrcfg.txt)", 65ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -c read channels config from UD\ P, if ip= accept any ip", 80ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -D write received tcp IQ Data t\ o file", 56ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -d downsample if to output Hz b\ y linear interpolation", 72ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -e enable sending SDR Data hidd\ en in audio channels (tune/afc/rssi..)", 88ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -F AFC-Speed 0..1000, default s\ low, (if fast, the 1khz steps may make some noise) (5)", 104ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -f u8|i16|f32 iq-data format, f32 samplera\ te 1..3MHz, slow float arithmetic (u8)", 88ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -h help", 26ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -i input sampelrate Hz 1024000 \ or 2048000..2500000 (2048000)", 79ul); osi_WrStrLn(" if >2048000, AM/FM-IF-widt\ h will increase proportional", 78ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -k keep connection, reconnect l\ ost connection to rtl_tcp server", 82ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -L send Level table in UDP to\ Waterfall Viewers (may be repeatet)", 86ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -m mix up/down all rx channels \ to 1 or 2 audiochannels (mono/stereo)", 87ul); osi_WrStrLn(" for 2 channels the rx audio\ s will be arranged from left to right", 87ul); osi_WrStrLn(" WAV-Header will be preceded\ (UDP with header may be lost)", 80ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -N send Noise (Squelch) table\ in UDP to Scanner Scripts (may be repeatet)", 94ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -O moves center freq. away from\ used band to avoid ADC-DC-offset noise (10000)", 97ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -o offset for entered frequenci\ es if Converters are used", 75ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -p send rtl_tcp parameter, ppm,\ tunergain ...", 64ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -q do not output audio samples \ if all squelchs closed", 72ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -r if and default output sampel\ rate Hz for all channels 8000..256000 (16000)", 95ul); osi_WrStrLn(" for FM min. 25% more than \ rx IF-width", 61ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -s or 16bit signed n-c\ hannel sound stream/pipe/UDP", 78ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -S or 8bit unsigned n-\ channel sound stream/pipe/UDP", 79ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -T Tune manual to center of iq-\ band (for iq-data from file) (0)", 82ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -t connect rtl_tcp server (127.\ 0.0.1:1234)", 61ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -t read iq-data from file", 44ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -v show rssi (dB) and afc (khz)\ ", 50ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -w max stay awake (use CPU) tim\ e after squelch close (2000)", 78ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -z sleep time (no cpu) for inac\ tive rx if squelch closed (-z 100)", 84ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -Z same but fast open with no a\ udio quieting for sending", 75ul); osi_WrStrLn(" to decoders and not human e\ ars", 53ul); osi_WrStrLn("example: ./sdrtst -k -s /dev/stdout -t\ 1234 -c up.txt -i 2048000 -r 16000 -m 2 -v | aplay", 100ul); osi_WrStrLn(" will mix up/down any channels to stere\ o and play on alsa", 68ul); osi_WrStrLn(" ./sdrtst -k -s /dev/stdout -t\ 1234 -c up.txt -i 2048000 -r 16000 -v | ./afskmodem -o /dev/stdin -s 16000 -c\ 2 -M 0 -c 0 -M 1 -c 1", 149ul); osi_WrStrLn(" with 2 frequencies in up.txt will list\ en to PR/APRS on 2 channels", 77ul); osi_WrStrLn(" nc -l -u -p 7000 | sox -t wav - -t alsa", 49ul); osi_WrStrLn(" ./sdrtst -k -A -m 1 -d 80\ 00 -t -c -i 2048000 -r 16000 -v", 109ul); osi_WrStrLn(" echo -e \"f 438.55 5 80 80\\nf 439.3 5 8\ 0 80\" | nc -u 7001", 76ul); osi_WrStrLn(" for A-LAW compressed sound via UDP and\ remote control via UDP", 73ul); osi_WrStrLn("", 1ul); osi_WrStrLn("config file: (re-read every some seconds and may \ be modified any time)", 71ul); osi_WrStrLn(" # comment", 12ul); osi_WrStrLn(" p rtl_tcp parameter like \'p 5 5\ 0\' ppm, \'p 8 1\' autogain on", 76ul); osi_WrStrLn(" f FM Demodulator", 73ul); osi_WrStrLn(" a 0 AM Demodulator", 73ul); osi_WrStrLn(" u USB Demodulator", 74ul); osi_WrStrLn(" l same for LSB", 17ul); osi_WrStrLn(" AFC-range in +-kHz, Squelch 0 off, 100 open, \ 70 may do", 59ul); osi_WrStrLn(" audio lowpass in % Nyquist frequ. of output s\ ampelrate, 0 is off", 69ul); osi_WrStrLn(" IF-width 3000 6000 12000 24000 48000 96000 19\ 2000Hz for low CPU usage", 74ul); osi_WrStrLn(" (192000 only with >=2048khz iq-rate), (4th or\ der IIR)", 58ul); osi_WrStrLn(" (SSB 8th order IF-IIR), OTHER values with MOR\ E CPU-load (12000 default)", 76ul); osi_WrStrLn(" q <0> <0> bandwidth\ filterd iq output with if rate", 81ul); osi_WrStrLn(" s low cpu usage scanner", 80ul); osi_WrStrLn(" improof fast IIR-if-filter with a FIR by +[,] default length=32, max=2048", 109ul); osi_WrStrLn(" works on AM,FM,IQ-demod f 145.800 0 80 90 12\ 000+10000,64", 62ul); osi_WrStrLn("", 1ul); osi_WrStrLn(" example:", 11ul); osi_WrStrLn(" p 5 50", 11ul); osi_WrStrLn(" p 8 1", 10ul); osi_WrStrLn(" f 438.825 5 75 70 (afc, squelch, \ audio lowpass, 12khz IF)", 74ul); osi_WrStrLn(" f 439.275 0 0 80 20000 (20khz IF, uses\ more CPU)", 60ul); osi_WrStrLn(" u 432.4825 -700 0 2500 600 (USB with 600Hz\ CW-Filter at 800Hz slow agc", 78ul); osi_WrStrLn("", 1ul); osi_WrStrLn(" will generate 3 channel 16bit PCM stream (up to\ 64 channels with -z or -Z)", 77ul); osi_WrStrLn(" use max. 95% of -i span. rtl-stick will be tune\ d to center of the span", 73ul); osi_WrStrLn(" rx in center of band will be +-10khz relocated \ to avoid ADC-DC offset pseudo", 79ul); osi_WrStrLn(" carriers, SSB-only will be relocated 10..210khz\ to avoid inexact tuning steps", 80ul); osi_WrStrLn("", 1ul); osi_WrStrLn(" f 100.1 0 0 15 96000 (WFM with \"-r \ 192000 -d 44100\" for 1 channnel 44100hz", 88ul); osi_WrStrLn("", 1ul); X2C_ABORT(); } if (s[1U]=='p') { osi_NextArg(s, 1001ul); if (aprsstr_StrToCard(s, 1001ul, &m) && m<256UL) { osi_NextArg(s, 1001ul); if (aprsstr_StrToInt(s, 1001ul, &ni)) { stickparm[m].val = (uint32_t)ni; /* stick parameter */ stickparm[m].ok0 = 1; stickparm[m].changed = 1; } else Error(" -p ", 18ul); } else Error(" -p ", 18ul); } else Error("-h", 3ul); } } else Error("-h", 3ul); } powersave = (powersave*samphz)/32000UL; maxwake = (maxwake*samphz)/32000UL; if (f32==4UL) { if (iqrate<1000000UL || iqrate>3000000UL) { Error(" -i 1000000..3000000", 26ul); } } else if (iqrate!=1024000UL && (iqrate<2000000UL || iqrate>2500000UL)) { Error(" -i 1024000 or >=2000000", 30ul); } if (downsamp==0UL) downsamp = samphz; if (downsamp>samphz) Error(" -d must be less than -r ", 35ul); } /* end Parms() */ static void setparms(char all) { uint32_t i; char nl; char s[31]; nl = 1; for (i = 0UL; i<=255UL; i++) { if (stickparm[i].ok0 && (all || stickparm[i].changed)) { sdr_setparm(i, stickparm[i].val); if (verb) { if (nl) { osi_WerrLn("", 1ul); nl = 0; } osi_Werr("parm:", 6ul); aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t)i, 0UL, s, 31ul); osi_Werr(s, 31ul); osi_Werr(" ", 2ul); aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t)stickparm[i].val, 0UL, s, 31ul); osi_WerrLn(s, 31ul); } } stickparm[i].changed = 0; } /* end for */ } /* end setparms() */ static void setstickparm(uint32_t cmd, uint32_t value) { if (!stickparm[cmd].ok0 || stickparm[cmd].val!=value) { stickparm[cmd].val = value; stickparm[cmd].changed = 1; } stickparm[cmd].ok0 = 1; } /* end setstickparm() */ static void card32str(char b[], uint32_t b_len, uint32_t pos, uint32_t v) { b[pos+0UL] = (char)(v&255UL); b[pos+1UL] = (char)(v/256UL&255UL); b[pos+2UL] = (char)(v/65536UL&255UL); b[pos+3UL] = (char)(v/16777216UL&255UL); } /* end card32str() */ static void centerfreq(const struct FREQTAB freq[], uint32_t freq_len) { uint32_t max0; uint32_t min0; uint32_t i; int32_t rem; int32_t nomid; char ssb; double fhzo; double fhz; double khz; struct SQUELCH * anonym; midfreq = 0UL; i = 0UL; max0 = 0UL; min0 = X2C_max_longcard; while (imax0) max0 = freq[i].hz; if (freq[i].hzmax0) max0 = freq[i].afc; if (freq[i].afc=min0) { if (max0-min0>=iqrate) osi_WerrLn("freq span > iq-sampelrate", 26ul); if (tuneto>0UL) { /* user defined tune freq */ midfreq = tuneto; if (max0>midfreq && (max0-midfreq) *2UL>=iqrate || min0=iqrate) { osi_WerrLn("tuned to outside iq-band", 25ul); } } else { /* find best tune freq + offset */ midfreq = (max0+min0)/2UL; nomid = X2C_max_longint; i = 0UL; ssb = 0; while (ituneoffset) nomid = 0L; else if (nomid<0L) nomid = (int32_t)tuneoffset+nomid; else nomid -= (int32_t)tuneoffset; midfreq += (uint32_t)nomid; if (ssb && max0-min0<200000UL) { midfreq = (midfreq/200000UL)*200000UL+tuneoffset; } else midfreq = (midfreq/1000UL)*1000UL; } i = 0UL; freqcau = 0UL; while (i=2000000UL) { khz = X2C_DIVL(2.048E+6,(double)iqrate); } else khz = X2C_DIVL(1.024E+6,(double)iqrate); fhz = (double)((int32_t)freq[i].hz-(int32_t)midfreq)*khz; if (freq[i].modulation!='S') { rem = (int32_t)X2C_TRUNCI(fhz,X2C_min_longint,X2C_max_longint); if (rem<0L) { rxx[i].df = (uint32_t)(-(int32_t)((uint32_t) -rem/1000UL)-1L); } else rxx[i].df = (uint32_t)rem/1000UL; rem = (int32_t)X2C_TRUNCI(fhz,X2C_min_longint,X2C_max_longint); if (rem<0L) rem = (int32_t)(1000UL-(uint32_t) -rem%1000UL); else rem = (int32_t)((uint32_t)rem%1000UL); rxx[i].dffrac = (uint32_t)X2C_TRUNCC(X2C_DIVL((double) rem,khz)+0.5,0UL,X2C_max_longcard); /*WrInt(nomid, 15);WrInt(midfreq, 15);WrInt(freq[i].hz, 15); WrInt(rxx[i].df, 15); WrInt(rxx[i].dffrac, 15); WrStrLn("n m h d fr"); */ rxx[i].maxafc = (int32_t)freq[i].afc; rxx[i].agc = freq[i].agc; ++freqcau; /* channels without scanners */ } else { /*scanner */ { /* with */ struct SQUELCH * anonym = &squelchs[i]; fhzo = (double)((int32_t)freq[i].afc-(int32_t) midfreq)*khz; anonym->scanlo = fhz; /* scan from */ rxx[i].dffrac = 0UL; anonym->scanstepc = anonym->scanstep*khz; anonym->scanslots = (uint32_t)X2C_TRUNCC(X2C_DIVL(fhzo-fhz, anonym->scanstepc),0UL,X2C_max_longcard); anonym->scanstartkhz = freq[i].hz/1000UL; anonym->scanstartkhz -= (uint32_t)(int32_t) X2C_TRUNCI(offset*1000.0,X2C_min_longint,X2C_max_longint); if (anonym->scanslots>1400UL) anonym->scanslots = 1400UL; } } /* IF scanslot>=scanslots THEN scanslot:=0 END; */ /* card32str(scandb, 4, freq[i].hz DIV 1000); card32str(scandb, 8, VAL(CARDINAL, scanstep)); scandb:="SDR"; MOVE(ADR(scandb), ADR(scansq), SCANHEADER); scandb[3]:="L"; scansq[3]:="N"; */ /*scanner */ rxx[i].width = freq[i].width; ++i; } prx[i] = 0; } if (midfreq<10000UL) osi_WerrLn("no valid frequency", 19ul); else if (midfreq!=lastmidfreq) { setstickparm(1UL, midfreq); /*WrStr("set ");WrInt(midfreq, 0); WrStrLn("kHz"); */ lastmidfreq = midfreq; } } /* end centerfreq() */ static void skip(const char s[], uint32_t s_len, uint32_t * p) { while (s[*p] && s[*p]==' ') ++*p; } /* end skip() */ static void setconfig(const char b[], uint32_t b_len, int32_t len) { uint32_t sq; uint32_t wid; uint32_t lpp; uint32_t p; uint32_t lino; uint32_t n; uint32_t i; int32_t ssbsh; int32_t m; double y; double x; char ok0; char li[256]; struct FREQTAB freq[64]; char mo; freqc = 0UL; memset((char *)freq,(char)0,sizeof(struct FREQTAB [64])); /* IF (len>0) & (len=" ") THEN b[len-1]:=0C END; */ p = 0UL; lino = 1UL; i = 0UL; while ((int32_t)p<=len) { if ((int32_t)p=' ') { if (i<255UL) { li[i] = b[p]; ++i; } } else if (i>0UL) { li[i] = 0; i = 0UL; skip(li, 256ul, &i); mo = X2C_CAP(li[i]); if (mo=='P') { ++i; skip(li, 256ul, &i); card(li, 256ul, &i, &n, &ok0); if (n>255UL || !ok0) osi_WerrLn("wrong parameter number", 23ul); else { skip(li, 256ul, &i); int0(li, 256ul, &i, &m, &ok0); if (!ok0) osi_WerrLn("wrong value", 12ul); else setstickparm(n, (uint32_t)m); } i = 0UL; } else if ((((((mo=='F' || mo=='A') || mo=='U') || mo=='L') || mo=='S') || mo=='Q') || mo=='%') { if (mo=='%') { /* channel label */ ++i; squelchs[freqc].channame = 0UL; while ((uint8_t)li[i]>' ') { squelchs[freqc].channame = (squelchs[freqc].channame<<8) +(uint32_t)(uint8_t)li[i]; ++i; } skip(li, 256ul, &i); mo = X2C_CAP(li[i]); } if (mo=='A') freq[freqc].modulation = 'a'; else if (mo=='U') freq[freqc].modulation = 's'; else if (mo=='L') freq[freqc].modulation = 's'; else if (mo=='S') { /*scanner */ freq[freqc].modulation = 'S'; } else if (mo=='Q') { /*scanner */ freq[freqc].modulation = 'i'; } else freq[freqc].modulation = 'f'; ++i; skip(li, 256ul, &i); fix(li, 256ul, &i, &x, &ok0); if (!ok0) osi_WerrLn("wrong MHz", 10ul); skip(li, 256ul, &i); ssbsh = 0L; /*scanner */ if (mo=='S') { fix(li, 256ul, &i, &y, &ok0); if (!ok0 || y200UL) sq = 200UL; skip(li, 256ul, &i); card(li, 256ul, &i, &lpp, &ok0); /* or scan duty */ if (!ok0) lpp = 0UL; if (freq[freqc].modulation!='s' && lpp>100UL) lpp = 100UL; skip(li, 256ul, &i); card(li, 256ul, &i, &wid, &ok0); if (!ok0) { if (freq[freqc].modulation=='s') wid = 2800UL; else if (freq[freqc].modulation=='a') wid = 6000UL; else wid = 12000UL; } if (wid>1000000UL) wid = 1000000UL; /*fir */ if (li[i]=='+') { freq[freqc].firwid = wid; /* "+" makes iir=fir */ ++i; if (X2C_CAP(li[i])=='H') { /* halfband fir */ n = samphz/2UL; ok0 = 1; } else card(li, 256ul, &i, &n, &ok0); freq[freqc].firlen = 32UL; /* default firlen 32 */ if (ok0) { freq[freqc].firwid = n; if (li[i]==',') { ++i; card(li, 256ul, &i, &n, &ok0); if (ok0) freq[freqc].firlen = n; } } } /*fir */ if (freqc>63UL) osi_WerrLn("freq table full", 16ul); else { x = x+offset; if (x<=0.0 || x>=2.147483E+6) { osi_WerrLn("freq out of range", 18ul); x = 0.0; } x = x*1.E+6+(double)ssbsh; freq[freqc].hz = (uint32_t)X2C_TRUNCC(x+0.5,0UL, X2C_max_longcard); /*scanner */ if (mo=='S') { y = y+offset; if (y<=0.0 || y>=2.147483E+6) { osi_WerrLn("scan to freq out of range", 26ul); y = 0.0; } freq[freqc].afc = (uint32_t)X2C_TRUNCC(y*1.E+6+0.5,0UL, X2C_max_longcard); if (mo!='S' && sq<1000UL) sq = 1000UL; squelchs[freqc].scanstep = (double)sq; /* scan step */ squelchs[freqc].scanduty = (int32_t)lpp; /* scan duty */ } else { /*scanner */ freq[freqc].afc = (uint32_t)m; if (freq[freqc].modulation=='s') { if (sq>200UL) sq = 200UL; squelchs[freqc].lev = osic_exp((float) sq*2.30258509E-1f); } else { squelchs[freqc].lev = X2C_DIVR((float)sq*32.0f, 200.0f); } if (freq[freqc].modulation=='s') squelchs[freqc].lp = 0.0f; else { lpp = (lpp*downsamp)/samphz; squelchs[freqc].lp = X2C_DIVR((float)lpp,200.0f); } } freq[freqc].agc = lpp; freq[freqc].width = wid; ++freqc; } i = 0UL; } else if (mo=='#' || (uint8_t)mo<=' ') { i = 0UL; } else osi_WerrLn("unkown command", 15ul); ++lino; } ++p; } /* Close(fd); */ /*ELSE Error("config file not readable") END; */ centerfreq(freq, 64ul); } /* end setconfig() */ static void showrssi(void) { uint32_t j; uint32_t i; char s[31]; i = 0UL; while (prx[i]) { if (prx[i]->modulation!='S') { j = prx[i]->idx; aprsstr_FixToStr(osic_ln((rxx[j].rssi+1.0f)*3.0517578125E-5f) *4.342944819f, 2UL, s, 31ul); osi_Werr(s, 31ul); if (squelchs[j].sqsave<=0L) osi_Werr("db", 3ul); else osi_Werr("dB", 3ul); /* IF NOT nosquelch & rxx[j].squelch THEN Werr(" "); FixToStr(squelchs[j].medmed*(1.0/SAMPSIZE), 3, s); Werr(s); END; */ if (rxx[j].modulation=='f') { osi_Werr(" ", 2ul); aprsstr_IntToStr(rxx[j].afckhz, 0UL, s, 31ul); osi_Werr(s, 31ul); } osi_Werr(" ", 2ul); } /*Werr(" "); IntToStr(squelchs[j].wakeness, 0, s); Werr(s); Werr(" "); */ ++i; } osi_Werr(" \015", 6ul); osic_flush(); } /* end showrssi() */ static void sendscan(uint32_t ix0) { char s[12]; struct SQUELCH * anonym; { /* with */ struct SQUELCH * anonym = &squelchs[ix0]; strncpy(s,"SDR",12u); card32str(s, 12ul, 4UL, anonym->scanstartkhz); card32str(s, 12ul, 8UL, (uint32_t)X2C_TRUNCC(anonym->scanstep,0UL, X2C_max_longcard)); X2C_MOVE((char *)s,(char *)anonym->scandb,12UL); X2C_MOVE((char *)s,(char *)anonym->scansq,12UL); anonym->scandb[3U] = 'L'; anonym->scansq[3U] = 'N'; sendudp((char *)anonym->scandb, 1412u/1u, (int32_t)(12UL+anonym->scanslots), udplev); sendudp((char *)anonym->scansq, 1412u/1u, (int32_t)(12UL+anonym->scanslots), udpsq); } } /* end sendscan() */ /*------ watermark data */ #define sdrtest_CRCINIT 0x0FFFFFFFF static uint32_t crc32(const uint8_t b[], uint32_t b_len, uint32_t from, uint32_t to) { uint32_t crc; crc = 0xFFFFFFFFUL; while (frommodulation!='S') { j = prx[i]->idx; { /* with */ struct SQUELCH * anonym = &squelchs[j]; anonym->waterp = 0UL; anonym->waterdat[0U] = 0xA5U; card32send(anonym->waterdat, 40ul, 1UL, 0x0CA55F047UL); p = 5UL; anonym->waterdat[5U] = *(uint8_t *)"f"; card32send(anonym->waterdat, 40ul, 6UL, anonym->hz10); p += 5UL; anonym->waterdat[10U] = *(uint8_t *)"a"; card32send(anonym->waterdat, 40ul, 11UL, (uint32_t)(X2C_LSH((uint32_t)rxx[j].maxafc,32, 16)|(uint32_t)rxx[j].afckhz&0xFFFFUL)); p += 5UL; anonym->waterdat[15U] = *(uint8_t *)"r"; /* v:=VAL(INTEGER, ln((rxx[j].rssi+1.0)*(1.0/32768.0))*(8.685889638*5.0)); */ v = (int32_t)X2C_TRUNCI(osic_ln((anonym->peakrssi+0.001f) *3.0517578125E-5f)*4.342944819E+1f,X2C_min_longint, X2C_max_longint); anonym->peakrssi = 0.0f; if (v<0L) v = 0L; card32send(anonym->waterdat, 40ul, 16UL, (uint32_t)v); p += 5UL; if (anonym->channame) { anonym->waterdat[20U] = *(uint8_t *)"c"; card32send(anonym->waterdat, 40ul, 21UL, anonym->channame); p += 5UL; } anonym->waterdat[p] = 0x7FU; card32send(anonym->waterdat, 40ul, p+1UL, crc32(anonym->waterdat, 40ul, 5UL, p)); p += 5UL; anonym->waterend = p*8UL; } } ++i; } } /* end sendwater() */ /*------ watermark data */ static void sendaudio(int32_t pcm0, uint8_t codec, uint32_t ch, uint32_t chaudio) { /* with start pattern and crc32 in dynamic count of 8+32bit type+value word units */ struct SQUELCH * anonym; if (pcm0>32767L) pcm0 = 32767L; else if (pcm0<-32767L) pcm0 = -32767L; if (codec==sdrtest_U8) { sndbuf8[sndw] = (uint8_t)((uint32_t)(pcm0+32768L)/256UL); } else if (codec==sdrtest_ALAW) { sndbuf8[sndw] = ALAWTAB[(uint32_t)(pcm0+32768L)/16UL]; } else { /* code data as watermark, bit 1 of pcm serialized datablock with start sequence and crc32 */ /* to be compatible with normal pcm code data as silent audio bit 1 of pcm serialized datablock */ { /* with */ struct SQUELCH * anonym = &squelchs[ch]; if (anonym->waterpwaterend) { pcm0 = (int32_t)((uint32_t)pcm0&0xFFFCUL); if (X2C_IN(anonym->waterp&7UL,8, anonym->waterdat[anonym->waterp/8UL])) { pcm0 += 2L; /* bit 1 is serial data stream */ } ++anonym->waterp; } else pcm0 = (int32_t)((uint32_t)pcm0&0xFFFCUL); } if (chaudio==0UL) ++pcm0; /* code data as watermark */ sndbuf[sndw] = (short)pcm0; } ++sndw; if (sndw>=soundbufsize) { if (codec) { if (udpsounds) { sendudp((char *)sndbuf8, 1024u/1u, (int32_t)sndw, udpsounds); } else osi_WrBin(soundfd, (char *)sndbuf8, 1024u/1u, sndw); } else if (udpsounds) { sendudp((char *)sndbuf, 2048u/1u, (int32_t)(sndw*2UL), udpsounds); } else osi_WrBin(soundfd, (char *)sndbuf, 2048u/1u, sndw*2UL); sndw = 0UL; } } /* end sendaudio() */ static uint32_t ticker; static char recon; static void userio(char all, char stick) { int32_t len; int32_t fd; char b[10001]; uint32_t ckip; uint32_t ckport; len = 0L; if (cfgfd>=0L) { /* await cfg via udp */ len = udpreceive(cfgfd, b, 10001L, &ckport, &ckip); if ((len>0L && cfgip) && cfgip!=ckip) { /* ip check on */ if (verb) osi_WrStrLn("got config udp from wrong ip", 29ul); len = 0L; /* discard info */ } } else if (all && parmfn[0U]) { fd = osi_OpenRead(parmfn, 1001ul); if (fd>=0L) { len = osi_RdBin(fd, (char *)b, 10001u/1u, 10001UL); osic_Close(fd); } else if (verb) osi_WrStrLn("config file not readable", 25ul); } if (len>0L) { setconfig(b, 10001ul, len); if (stick) setparms(recon); } if (all) { recon = 0; if (verb) showrssi(); if (watermark) sendwater(); } } /* end userio() */ static void schedule(void) { uint32_t j; uint32_t i; i = 0UL; j = 0UL; while (j0L && (int32_t)(ticker-squelchs[j].nexttick) >=0L) { /* rx run */ squelchs[j].nexttick = ticker; prx[i] = &rxx[j]; ++i; } ++j; } prx[i] = 0; } /* end schedule() */ static int32_t sp; static int32_t sn; static uint32_t rp; static uint32_t actch; static uint32_t ix; static uint32_t chnum; static float ri; static float levdiv; static float gl; static uint32_t tshow; static uint32_t dsamp; static int32_t pcm; static int32_t mixleft; static int32_t mixright; static char anysqopen; X2C_STACK_LIMIT(100000l) extern int main(int argc, char **argv) { int32_t tmp; X2C_BEGIN(&argc,argv,1,4000000l,8000000l); sdr_BEGIN(); aprsstr_BEGIN(); osi_BEGIN(); midfreq = 0UL; lastmidfreq = 0UL; tshow = 0UL; /* levdiv2:=4096; */ soundfd = -1L; f32 = 1UL; cfgfd = -1L; stopbyquelch = 0; soundbufsize = 512UL; memset((char *)rxx,(char)0,sizeof(struct sdr_RX [64])); memset((char *)stickparm,(char)0,sizeof(struct STICKPARM [256])); memset((char *)squelchs,(char)0,sizeof(struct SQUELCH [65])); G711TAB(); Parms(); GenCRC32tab(); isfile = port[0U]=='0' && port[1U]==0; actch = 0UL; ticker = 0UL; prx[0U] = 0; dsamp = 0UL; for (freqc = 0UL; freqc<=63UL; freqc++) { rxx[freqc].samples = (sdr_pAUDIOSAMPLE)sampx[freqc]; /* rxx[freqc].qsamples:=ADR(qsampx[freqc]); (* q part of iq "demodulator" *) */ rxx[freqc].qsamples = 0; rxx[freqc].idx = freqc; } /* end for */ freqc = 0UL; if (sdr_startsdr(url, 1001ul, port, 1001ul, iqrate, samphz, reconn, f32)) { /* rdconfig; */ tshow = 0UL; sndw = 0UL; if (soundfn[0U]) soundfd = osi_OpenWrite(soundfn, 1001ul); if (mixto>0UL) wwav(soundfd, udpsounds, pcm8, mixto, downsamp); if (soundfd>=0L || udpsounds) { recon = 1; for (;;) { if ((tshow&15UL)==0UL) userio(tshow==0UL, !isfile); if (tshow==0UL) tshow = samphz/32UL; else --tshow; schedule(); sn = sdr_getsdr(32UL, prx, 65ul); if (sn<0L) { if (verb) { if (sn==-2L) { osi_WerrLn("impossible sampelrate conversion", 33ul); } else if (!isfile) osi_WerrLn("connection lost", 16ul); } recon = 1; if (!reconn) break; } else { anysqopen = !stopbyquelch; rp = 0UL; while (prx[rp]) { ix = prx[rp]->idx; { /* with */ struct SQUELCH * anonym = &squelchs[ix]; /*- scanner */ if (prx[rp]->modulation=='S') { anonym->wakeness = squelchs[ix].scanduty; anonym->nexttick = ticker+(uint32_t) anonym->wakeness; anonym->scandb[12UL+anonym->scanslot] = dBbyte(rxx[ix].rssi); anonym->scansq[12UL+anonym->scanslot] = sqbyte(rxx[ix].rssi, rxx[ix].sqsum); rxx[ix].df = (uint32_t)(int32_t) X2C_TRUNCI((anonym->scanlo+(double) anonym->scanslot*anonym->scanstepc)*0.001,X2C_min_longint, X2C_max_longint); ++anonym->scanslot; if (anonym->scanslot>=anonym->scanslots) { anonym->scanslot = 0UL; sendscan(ix); } } else if (anonym->lev==0.0f || prx[rp]->modulation=='s') { /*- scanner */ anonym->mutlev = 1.0f; if (anonym->lev>rxx[ix].rssi) { rxx[ix].rssi = anonym->lev; /* ssb manual agc gain limit */ } anysqopen = 1; /* not stop audio in ssb */ } else if (prx[rp]->modulation!='i') { if (anonym->levsqsave>0L) { --anonym->sqsave; } else { if (anonym->wakeness<(int32_t)powersave) { ++anonym->wakeness; } anonym->nexttick = ticker+(uint32_t) anonym->wakeness; } } else { /* squelch open */ if (anonym->sqsave<(int32_t)maxwake) { ++anonym->sqsave; } if (anonym->wakeness>-100L) { --anonym->wakeness; /* max stay wake limit */ } anysqopen = 1; } if (nosquelch || rxx[ix].modulation=='s') { anonym->mutlev = 1.0f; } else { anonym->medmed = anonym->medmed+(rxx[ix] .sqsum-anonym->medmed)*0.1f; anonym->mutlev = (anonym->lev-anonym->medmed) *0.3125f; if (anonym->mutlev<0.0f) { anonym->mutlev = 0.0f; } else if (anonym->mutlev>1.0f) { anonym->mutlev = 1.0f; } } } if (anonym->peakrssipeakrssi = rxx[ix].rssi; /* store rssi peak till readout */ } } rxx[ix].sqsum = 0.0f; ++rp; } if (anysqopen) { tmp = sn-1L; sp = 0L; if (sp<=tmp) for (;; sp++) { rp = 0UL; while (prx[rp]) { ix = prx[rp]->idx; { /* with */ struct SQUELCH * anonym0 = &squelchs[ix]; if (rxx[ix].modulation!='S') { anonym0->lastpcm = anonym0->pcmc; anonym0->pcmc = (int32_t)rxx[ix].samples[sp]; /* save for interpolation */ if (!nosquelch) { anonym0->pcmc = (int32_t)(short) X2C_TRUNCI((float)anonym0->pcmc*anonym0->mutlev,-32768, 32767); } /* lowpass */ if (anonym0->lp!=0.0f) { anonym0->u1 = anonym0->u1+(((float) (anonym0->pcmc*2L)-anonym0->u1)-anonym0->il)*anonym0->lp; anonym0->u2 = anonym0->u2+(anonym0->il-anonym0->u2) *anonym0->lp; anonym0->il = anonym0->il+(anonym0->u1-anonym0->u2) *anonym0->lp*2.0f; anonym0->pcmc = (int32_t) X2C_TRUNCI(anonym0->u2,X2C_min_longint,X2C_max_longint); } } } /* lowpass */ ++rp; } dsamp += downsamp; if (dsamp>=samphz) { rp = 0UL; chnum = 0UL; while (rpsamphz) { /* do sample interpolating */ ri = X2C_DIVR((float)(dsamp-samphz), (float)downsamp); pcm = (int32_t)X2C_TRUNCI((float) pcm*(1.0f-ri)+(float)squelchs[rp].lastpcm*ri, X2C_min_longint,X2C_max_longint); } /* interpolate 2 samples */ squelchs[rp].pcmc = 0L; /* channel mixer */ if (mixto==1UL) { mixleft += pcm; } else if (mixto==2UL) { if (freqcau<=1UL) { mixleft = pcm; /* 1 rx to stereo */ mixright = pcm; } else { mixleft += pcm*(int32_t)chnum; mixright += pcm*(int32_t) ((freqcau-chnum)-1UL); } } /* channel mixer */ if (mixto==0UL || chnum==0UL) { if (mixto==0UL || freqcau==0UL) { sendaudio(pcm, pcm8, rp, chnum); } else { if (labs(mixleft)>30000L) { gl = X2C_DIVR(30000.0f, (float)labs(mixleft)); if (gl30000L) { gl = X2C_DIVR(30000.0f, (float)labs(mixright)); if (gl30000) OR (ABS(mixright)>30000) THEN (* mix channel peak level limiter *) IF levdiv2>300 THEN DEC(levdiv2, 64) END; (* agc down fast *) ELSIF levdiv2<4095 THEN INC(levdiv2) END; (* agc up *) */ mixleft = 0L; mixright = 0L; } } ++chnum; } ++rp; } dsamp -= samphz; } if (sp==tmp) break; } /* end for */ } } ++ticker; } } else { osi_Werr(soundfn, 1001ul); osi_WerrLn(" sound file open error", 23ul); } if (verb && !isfile) osi_WerrLn("connection lost", 16ul); } else osi_WerrLn("not connected", 14ul); X2C_EXIT(); return 0; } X2C_MAIN_DEFINITION