/* Generated by XDS Modula-2 to ANSI C v4.20 translator */ #define X2C_int32 #define X2C_index32 #ifndef X2C_H_ #include "X2C.h" #endif #define ra02_C_ #ifndef udp_H_ #include "udp.h" #endif #ifndef osi_H_ #include "osi.h" #endif #include #ifndef mlib_H_ #include "mlib.h" #endif #ifndef aprsstr_H_ #include "aprsstr.h" #endif #include /* gpio or lpt to scp ra02 radio module(s) fsk, afsk lora tx, lora rx */ /*FROM Select IMPORT monotonicms; */ #define ra02_LF "\012" #define ra02_STOUT 2 #define ra02_STIN 1 #define ra02_STATLEN 1 /* 30 */ #define ra02_CALMASK 0 #define ra02_NETID 0x12 #define ra02_XTAL 3.2E+7 #define ra02_FSTEP 6.103515625E+1 static int32_t ra02_MINBAUD = 490L; static float ra02_BWTAB[10] = {7.8f,10.4f,15.6f,20.8f,31.25f,41.7f,62.5f,125.0f,250.0f,500.0f}; #define ra02_RegSyncWord 0x39 #define ra02_RegFeiMsb 0x28 #define ra02_RegFeiMid 0x29 #define ra02_RegFeiLsb 0x2A #define ra02_RegPacketRssi 0x1A #define ra02_RegPaRamp 0xA #define ra02_RegPaDac 0x4D #define ra02_RegOcp 0xB #define ra02_RegPktSnrValue 0x19 #define ra02_RegFifoRxCurrentAddr 0x10 #define ra02_RegOpMode 0x1 #define ra02_RegModemStat 0x18 #define ra02_RegIrqFlagsMask 0x11 #define ra02_RegIrqFlags 0x12 #define ra02_RegRxNbBytes 0x13 #define ra02_RegFifoAddrPtr 0xD #define ra02_RegHopChannel 0x1C #define ra02_RegRssiValue 0x1B #define ra02_RegRxPacketCntValueLsb 0x17 #define ra02_RegFifo 0x0 #define ra02_RegFifoTxBaseAddr 0xE #define ra02_RegFrMsb 0x6 #define ra02_RegFrMid 0x7 #define ra02_RegFrLsb 0x8 #define ra02_RegDetectOptimice 0x31 #define ra02_RegDetectionThreshold 0x37 #define ra02_RegLna 0xC #define ra02_RegModemConfig3 0x26 #define ra02_RegModemConfig2 0x1E #define ra02_RegModemConfig1 0x1D #define ra02_RegPaConfig 0x9 #define ra02_RegPayloadLength 0x22 #define ra02_RegPreambleMsb 0x20 #define ra02_RegPreambleLsb 0x21 #define ra02_RegInvertIQ 0x33 #define ra02_RegInvertIQ2 0x3B #define ra02_RegTemp 0x3C #define ra02_RegHighBwOptimize1 0x36 #define ra02_RegHighBwOptimize2 0x3A /*fsk */ #define ra02_RegBitrateMsb 0x2 #define ra02_RegBitrateLsb 0x3 #define ra02_RegFdevMsb 0x4 #define ra02_RegFdevLsb 0x5 #define ra02_RegPreampleMsb 0x25 #define ra02_RegPreampleLsb 0x26 #define ra02_RegSyncConfig 0x27 #define ra02_RegPacketConfig1 0x30 #define ra02_RegPacketConfig2 0x31 #define ra02_RegPayloadLengthFsk 0x32 #define ra02_RegFifoThresh 0x35 #define ra02_RegSeqConfig1 0x36 #define ra02_RegSeqConfig2 0x37 #define ra02_RegIrqFlags1 0x3E #define ra02_RegIrqFlags2 0x3F #define ra02_RegBitrateFrac 0x5D #define ra02_RegRxConfig 0xD #define ra02_RegPllHf 0x70 #define ra02_FIFOFILL 8 #define ra02_OVERSAMP 11 #define ra02_AFSKBAUD 13200 #define ra02_GPIOFN "/sys/class/gpio" #define ra02_GPIOEXPORT "/sys/class/gpio/export" #define ra02_GPIOUNEXPORT "/sys/class/gpio/unexport" #define ra02_GPIOX "/sys/class/gpio/gpio" #define ra02_GPIODIRECTION "/direction" #define ra02_GPIOIN "in" #define ra02_GPIOOUT "out" #define ra02_GPIODATA "/value" #define ra02_GPIOS 256 enum STATE {ra02_stSLEEP, ra02_stRX, ra02_stWAITDCD, ra02_stTX}; struct TXCONTEXT; typedef struct TXCONTEXT * pTXCONTEXT; struct TXCONTEXT { pTXCONTEXT next; float symboltime; float mhz; uint32_t sf; uint32_t bw; uint32_t cr; uint32_t ftextlen; uint32_t preamb; uint32_t power; uint32_t txdel; uint32_t deviation; uint32_t splitlen; uint32_t netid; uint32_t scrambler; int32_t cfgoptimize; int32_t baud; int32_t fskp; int32_t cfgramp; char swapiq; char usedcd; char rawfsk; char sendfsk; char rawlora; char checkip; char optimize; char verbpart2; char implicit; uint32_t udpip; uint32_t udpbind; uint32_t udpport; int32_t udpsocket; char udp2; char ftext[3851]; }; struct GPIO; struct GPIO { uint32_t ceN; uint32_t mosiN; uint32_t misoN; uint32_t sckN; int32_t ceFD; int32_t mosiFD; int32_t sckFD; char misoFN[100]; }; struct CHIP; typedef struct CHIP * pCHIP; struct CHIP { pCHIP next; struct GPIO gpio; uint8_t state; pTXCONTEXT atx; pTXCONTEXT ptx; char swapiq; char implicit; char optimize; char rxon; char agc; char boost; uint32_t rxtxdel; uint32_t num; uint32_t lnaboost; uint32_t lnagain; uint32_t rxcr; uint32_t rxsf; uint32_t rxbw; uint32_t band; uint32_t mso; uint32_t stato; uint32_t statu; uint32_t netid; uint32_t preamblelimit; uint32_t calcnt; int32_t cfgoptimize; int32_t cfgramp; int32_t rssicorr; int32_t cfgocp; float symboltime; float rxmhz; float datarate; float ppm; char splitb[351]; char issplit; }; typedef uint32_t GPIOSET[8]; static uint32_t tcnt; static uint32_t loopdelay; static uint32_t loopdelayfast; static char verb; static char verb2; static pCHIP chips; static GPIOSET gpostate; static int32_t gpiofds[256]; static int32_t judpsock; static uint32_t jipnum; static uint32_t judpport; static uint32_t monotonicms(void) { uint32_t ns; uint32_t s; osic_timens(1, &s, &ns); return ns/1000000UL+s*1000UL; } /* end monotonicms() */ static void Error(const char text[], uint32_t text_len) { osi_Werr(text, text_len); osi_Werr(" error abort\012", 14ul); X2C_ABORT(); } /* end Error() */ static char hex(uint32_t n) { n = n&15UL; if (n<=9UL) return (char)(n+48UL); return (char)(n+55UL); } /* end hex() */ static void WrHex(uint32_t x, uint32_t digits, uint32_t len) { uint32_t i; char s[256]; if (digits>255UL) digits = 255UL; i = digits; while (i0UL) { --digits; s[digits] = hex(x); x = x/16UL; } osi_WrStr(s, 256ul); } /* end WrHex() */ static void WrChHex(char c) { char s[11]; if ((uint8_t)c>='\177' || (uint8_t)c<' ') { s[0U] = '['; s[1U] = hex((uint32_t)(uint8_t)c/16UL); s[2U] = hex((uint32_t)(uint8_t)c); s[3U] = ']'; s[4U] = 0; } else { s[0U] = c; s[1U] = 0; } osi_WrStr(s, 11ul); } /* end WrChHex() */ static void WCh(char c) { if (c!='\015') { if ((uint8_t)c<' ' || (uint8_t)c>='\177') osi_WrStr(".", 2ul); else osi_WrStr((char *) &c, 1u/1u); } } /* end WCh() */ static void ShowCall(char f[], uint32_t f_len, uint32_t pos) { uint32_t e; uint32_t i; uint32_t tmp; char tmp0; e = pos; tmp = pos+5UL; i = pos; if (i<=tmp) for (;; i++) { if (f[i]!='@') e = i; if (i==tmp) break; } /* end for */ tmp = e; i = pos; if (i<=tmp) for (;; i++) { WCh((char)((uint32_t)(uint8_t)f[i]>>1)); if (i==tmp) break; } /* end for */ i = (uint32_t)(uint8_t)f[pos+6UL]>>1&15UL; if (i) { osi_WrStr("-", 2ul); if (i>=10UL) osi_WrStr((char *)(tmp0 = (char)(i/10UL+48UL),&tmp0), 1u/1u); osi_WrStr((char *)(tmp0 = (char)(i%10UL+48UL),&tmp0), 1u/1u); } } /* end ShowCall() */ static uint32_t ra02_UA = 0x63UL; static uint32_t ra02_DM = 0xFUL; static uint32_t ra02_SABM = 0x2FUL; static uint32_t ra02_DISC = 0x43UL; static uint32_t ra02_FRMR = 0x87UL; static uint32_t ra02_UI = 0x3UL; static uint32_t ra02_RR = 0x1UL; static uint32_t ra02_REJ = 0x9UL; static uint32_t ra02_RNR = 0x5UL; static void Showctl(uint32_t com, uint32_t cmd) { uint32_t cm; char PF[4]; char tmp; osi_WrStr(" ctl ", 6ul); cm = (uint32_t)cmd&~0x10UL; if ((cm&0xFUL)==0x1UL) { osi_WrStr("RR", 3ul); osi_WrStr((char *)(tmp = (char)(48UL+(cmd>>5)),&tmp), 1u/1u); } else if ((cm&0xFUL)==0x5UL) { osi_WrStr("RNR", 4ul); osi_WrStr((char *)(tmp = (char)(48UL+(cmd>>5)),&tmp), 1u/1u); } else if ((cm&0xFUL)==0x9UL) { osi_WrStr("REJ", 4ul); osi_WrStr((char *)(tmp = (char)(48UL+(cmd>>5)),&tmp), 1u/1u); } else if ((cm&0x1UL)==0UL) { osi_WrStr("I", 2ul); osi_WrStr((char *)(tmp = (char)(48UL+(cmd>>5)),&tmp), 1u/1u); osi_WrStr((char *)(tmp = (char)(48UL+(cmd>>1&7UL)),&tmp), 1u/1u); } else if (cm==0x3UL) osi_WrStr("UI", 3ul); else if (cm==0xFUL) osi_WrStr("DM", 3ul); else if (cm==0x2FUL) osi_WrStr("SABM", 5ul); else if (cm==0x43UL) osi_WrStr("DISC", 5ul); else if (cm==0x63UL) osi_WrStr("UA", 3ul); else if (cm==0x87UL) osi_WrStr("FRMR", 5ul); else WrHex(cmd, 2UL, 0UL); strncpy(PF,"v^-+",4u); if (com==0UL || com==3UL) osi_WrStr("v1", 3ul); else osi_WrStr((char *) &PF[(com&1UL)+2UL*(uint32_t)((0x10UL & (uint32_t)cmd)!=0)], 1u/1u); } /* end Showctl() */ static void ShowFrame(char f[], uint32_t f_len, uint32_t len, char port) { uint32_t i; char d; char v; char h[21]; osi_WrStr((char *) &port, 1u/1u); i = 0UL; while (!((uint32_t)(uint8_t)f[i]&1)) { ++i; if (i>len) { /* WrStrLn(" no ax.25 (no address end mark)"); */ return; } } /* no address end mark found */ if (i%7UL!=6UL) { /* WrStrLn(" no ax.25 (address field size not multiples of 7)"); */ return; } /* address end not modulo 7 error */ osi_WrStr(":fm ", 5ul); ShowCall(f, f_len, 7UL); osi_WrStr(" to ", 5ul); ShowCall(f, f_len, 0UL); i = 14UL; v = 1; while (i+6UL=128UL && (((uint32_t)(uint8_t)f[i+6UL]&1) || (uint32_t)(uint8_t) f[i+13UL]<128UL)) osi_WrStr("*", 2ul); i += 7UL; } Showctl((uint32_t)((0x80U & (uint8_t)(uint8_t)f[6UL])!=0)+2UL*(uint32_t)((0x80U & (uint8_t)(uint8_t) f[13UL])!=0), (uint32_t)(uint8_t)f[i]); ++i; if (i='0' && (uint8_t)c<='9') *n += (uint32_t)(uint8_t)c-48UL; else if ((uint8_t)c>='A' && (uint8_t)c<='F') *n += (uint32_t)(uint8_t)c-55UL; else return 0; ++i; } return 1; } /* end StrToHex() */ static int32_t GetIp(const char h[], uint32_t h_len, uint32_t * ip, uint32_t * dp, uint32_t * lp, int32_t * fd, char * check) { if (aprsstr_GetIp2(h, h_len, ip, dp, lp, check)<0L) return -1L; *fd = openudp(); if (*fd<0L || bindudp(*fd, *lp)<0L) { /*OR (udp.udpnonblock(fd)<0)*/ return -1L; } return 0L; } /* end GetIp() */ static int32_t opengpio(uint32_t n, char out, char fnr[], uint32_t fnr_len) { char hp[100]; char hh[100]; char h[100]; int32_t fd; uint32_t tr; aprsstr_CardToStr(n, 1UL, h, 100ul); strncpy(hp,"/sys/class/gpio/gpio",100u); /* /sys/class/gpio/gpio */ aprsstr_Append(hp, 100ul, h, 100ul); /* /sys/class/gpio/gpio */ memcpy(hh,hp,100u); aprsstr_Append(hp, 100ul, "/value", 7ul); /* /sys/class/gpio/gpio/value */ if (!out) aprsstr_Assign(fnr, fnr_len, hp, 100ul); fd = gpiofds[n]; if (fd==-2L) { /* port is not open jet */ tr = 0UL; for (;;) { fd = osi_OpenWrite("/sys/class/gpio/unexport", 25ul); /* /sys/class/gpio/unexport */ if (fd>=0L) break; usleep(100000UL); /* pray for udev junk is fast enough */ ++tr; if (tr>4UL) break; } osi_WrBin(fd, (char *)h, 100u/1u, aprsstr_Length(h, 100ul)); osic_Close(fd); fd = osi_OpenWrite("/sys/class/gpio/export", 23ul); /* /sys/class/gpio/export */ if (fd<0L) Error("cannot open gpio export", 24ul); osi_WrBin(fd, (char *)h, 100u/1u, aprsstr_Length(h, 100ul)); osic_Close(fd); aprsstr_Append(hh, 100ul, "/direction", 11ul); tr = 0UL; for (;;) { fd = osi_OpenWrite(hh, 100ul); /* /sys/class/gpio/gpio */ if (fd>=0L) break; usleep(100000UL); /* pray for udev junk is fast enough */ ++tr; if (tr>4UL) break; } if (fd<0L) Error("cannot open gpio direction", 27ul); if (out) strncpy(h,"out",100u); else strncpy(h,"in",100u); osi_WrBin(fd, (char *)h, 100u/1u, aprsstr_Length(h, 100ul)); /* in / out */ osic_Close(fd); if (out) { fd = osi_OpenRW(hp, 100ul); if (fd<0L) Error("cannot open gpio value", 23ul); } else fd = -1L; gpiofds[n] = fd; } return fd; } /* end opengpio() */ static void Wrchipnum(pCHIP chip0, char nl) { if (chips->next) { osi_WrStr("chip:", 6ul); osic_WrUINT32(chip0->num, 1UL); if (nl) osi_WrStrLn("", 1ul); } } /* end Wrchipnum() */ #define ra02_DEFAULTIP 0x7F000001 #define ra02_PORTSEP ":" static int32_t GetIp1(char h[], uint32_t h_len, uint32_t * ip, uint32_t * port) { uint32_t p; uint32_t n; uint32_t i; char ok0; int32_t GetIp1_ret; X2C_PCOPY((void **)&h,h_len); p = 0UL; h[h_len-1] = 0; *ip = 0UL; for (i = 0UL; i<=4UL; i++) { if (i>=3UL || h[0UL]!=':') { n = 0UL; ok0 = 0; while ((uint8_t)h[p]>='0' && (uint8_t)h[p]<='9') { ok0 = 1; n = (n*10UL+(uint32_t)(uint8_t)h[p])-48UL; ++p; } if (!ok0) { GetIp1_ret = -1L; goto label; } } if (i<3UL) { if (h[0UL]!=':') { if (h[p]!='.' || n>255UL) { GetIp1_ret = -1L; goto label; } *ip = *ip*256UL+n; } } else if (i==3UL) { if (h[0UL]!=':') { *ip = *ip*256UL+n; if (h[p]!=':' || n>255UL) { GetIp1_ret = -1L; goto label; } } else { p = 0UL; *ip = 2130706433UL; } } else if (n>65535UL) { GetIp1_ret = -1L; goto label; } *port = n; ++p; } /* end for */ GetIp1_ret = 0L; label:; X2C_PFREE(h); return GetIp1_ret; } /* end GetIp1() */ static GPIOSET _cnst0 = {0x00000000UL,0x00000000UL,0x00000000UL,0x00000000UL,0x00000000UL,0x00000000UL,0x00000000UL, 0x00000000UL}; static void chkports(void) { pCHIP chip0; GPIOSET outs; GPIOSET ins; uint32_t i; memcpy(ins,_cnst0,32u); memcpy(outs,_cnst0,32u); chip0 = chips; while (chip0) { X2C_INCL(outs,chip0->gpio.mosiN,256); X2C_INCL(outs,chip0->gpio.sckN,256); if (X2C_INL(chip0->gpio.misoN,256,ins)) { osi_Werr("hint, shared inputs need nss-pullup if driver is started for not all connected chips (floating nss pi\ n)\012", 105ul); } X2C_INCL(ins,chip0->gpio.misoN,256); chip0 = chip0->next; } for (i = 0UL; i<=255UL; i++) { if (X2C_INL(i,256,ins) && X2C_INL(i,256,outs)) Error("input<->output port conflict", 29ul); } /* end for */ for (i = 0UL; i<=255UL; i++) { if (X2C_INL(i,256,ins)) X2C_INCL(outs,i,256); } /* end for */ chip0 = chips; while (chip0) { if (X2C_INL(chip0->gpio.ceN,256,outs)) Error("ce must not be shared", 22ul); X2C_INCL(outs,chip0->gpio.ceN,256); chip0 = chip0->next; } } /* end chkports() */ static float _cnst[10] = {7.8f,10.4f,15.6f,20.8f,31.25f,41.7f,62.5f,125.0f,250.0f,500.0f}; static void autoopt(pTXCONTEXT tx) { tx->symboltime = X2C_DIVR((float)(uint32_t)X2C_LSH(0x1UL,32,(int32_t)tx->sf),_cnst[tx->bw]); tx->optimize = tx->symboltime>16.0f; if (tx->cfgoptimize==0L) tx->optimize = 0; else if (tx->cfgoptimize==1L) tx->optimize = 1; } /* end autoopt() */ static void rxautoopt(pCHIP chp) { chp->symboltime = X2C_DIVR((float)(uint32_t)X2C_LSH(0x1UL,32,(int32_t)chp->rxsf),_cnst[chp->rxbw]); chp->optimize = chp->symboltime>16.0f; if (chp->cfgoptimize==0L) chp->optimize = 0; else if (chp->cfgoptimize==1L) chp->optimize = 1; } /* end rxautoopt() */ static pCHIP newchip(void) { pCHIP chp; osic_alloc((char * *) &chp, sizeof(struct CHIP)); if (chp==0) Error("out of memory", 14ul); memset((char *)chp,(char)0,sizeof(struct CHIP)); chp->lnaboost = 3UL; chp->lnagain = 1UL; chp->rxon = 0; chp->ppm = 0.0f; chp->datarate = 1000.0f; chp->rssicorr = 0L; chp->cfgocp = -1L; chp->cfgramp = -1L; chp->agc = 0; chp->rxmhz = 433.775f; chp->rxsf = 12UL; chp->rxbw = 7UL; chp->rxcr = 5UL; chp->netid = 18UL; chp->cfgoptimize = -1L; chp->swapiq = 0; chp->preamblelimit = 250UL; return chp; } /* end newchip() */ static void storechip(uint32_t pcnt, int32_t * res, uint32_t * sck0, uint32_t * miso0, uint32_t * mosi0, uint32_t * ce0, pCHIP * chip0) { char fn[100]; struct GPIO * anonym; { /* with */ struct GPIO * anonym = &(*chip0)->gpio; anonym->ceN = *ce0; anonym->mosiN = *mosi0; anonym->misoN = *miso0; anonym->sckN = *sck0; anonym->ceFD = opengpio(anonym->ceN, 1, fn, 100ul); anonym->mosiFD = opengpio(anonym->mosiN, 1, fn, 100ul); *res = opengpio(anonym->misoN, 0, anonym->misoFN, 100ul); anonym->sckFD = opengpio(anonym->sckN, 1, fn, 100ul); } (*chip0)->num = pcnt; if ((*chip0)->rxmhz<400.0f) (*chip0)->band = 1UL; else if ((*chip0)->rxmhz<500.0f) (*chip0)->band = 2UL; else (*chip0)->band = 3UL; rxautoopt(*chip0); (*chip0)->next = chips; chips = *chip0; *chip0 = newchip(); } /* end storechip() */ static pTXCONTEXT newtx(void) { pTXCONTEXT tx; osic_alloc((char * *) &tx, sizeof(struct TXCONTEXT)); if (tx==0) Error("out of memory", 14ul); memset((char *)tx,(char)0,sizeof(struct TXCONTEXT)); tx->cfgoptimize = -1L; tx->cfgramp = -1L; tx->mhz = 433.775f; tx->sf = 12UL; tx->bw = 7UL; tx->cr = 5UL; tx->netid = 18UL; tx->power = 10UL; tx->preamb = 8UL; tx->txdel = 4UL; tx->deviation = 3000UL; tx->baud = 0L; tx->sendfsk = 0; tx->rawfsk = 0; tx->swapiq = 0; tx->rawlora = 0; return tx; } /* end newtx() */ static void storetx(pCHIP chip0, pTXCONTEXT tx) { autoopt(tx); /* IF tx^.udpbind<>0 THEN */ tx->next = chip0->ptx; chip0->ptx = tx; /* ELSE DEALLOCATE(tx, SIZE(tx^)); END; */ } /* end storetx() */ static void Parms(void) { char err; char hh[4096]; char h[4096]; uint32_t lptnum; uint32_t txcnt; uint32_t pcnt; uint32_t sck0; uint32_t mosi0; uint32_t miso0; uint32_t ce0; int32_t res; pTXCONTEXT tx; pCHIP chip0; struct CHIP * anonym; for (pcnt = 0UL; pcnt<=255UL; pcnt++) { gpiofds[pcnt] = -2L; } /* end for */ lptnum = 0UL; err = 0; pcnt = 0UL; chips = 0; ce0 = 8UL; mosi0 = 10UL; miso0 = 9UL; sck0 = 11UL; loopdelay = 50000UL; loopdelayfast = 20000UL; chip0 = 0; tx = newtx(); txcnt = 0UL; judpsock = -1L; judpport = 0UL; for (;;) { if (chip0==0) { chip0 = newchip(); txcnt = 0UL; } osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul); if (h[0U]==0) break; if (h[0U]=='-' && h[1U]) { if (h[1U]=='p') { if (pcnt>0UL) { storetx(chip0, tx); storechip(pcnt, &res, &sck0, &miso0, &mosi0, &ce0, &chip0); tx = newtx(); txcnt = 0UL; } ++pcnt; osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul); if (!aprsstr_StrToCard(h, 4096ul, &ce0) || ce0>=256UL) { Error("-p ", 32ul); } osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul); if (!aprsstr_StrToCard(h, 4096ul, &mosi0) || mosi0>=256UL) { Error("-p ", 32ul); } osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul); if (!aprsstr_StrToCard(h, 4096ul, &miso0) || miso0>=256UL) { Error("-p ", 32ul); } osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul); if (!aprsstr_StrToCard(h, 4096ul, &sck0) || sck0>=256UL) { Error("-p ", 32ul); } } else if (h[1U]=='l') { osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul); if (!aprsstr_StrToCard(h, 4096ul, &chip0->lnaboost) || chip0->lnaboost>3UL) { Error("-l ", 19ul); } } else if (h[1U]=='u') { osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul); if (!aprsstr_StrToCard(h, 4096ul, &loopdelay)) { Error("-u ", 38ul); } osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul); if (!aprsstr_StrToCard(h, 4096ul, &loopdelayfast)) { Error("-u ", 38ul); } } else if (h[1U]=='C') { osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul); if ((!aprsstr_StrToCard(h, 4096ul, &tx->cr) || tx->cr<5UL) || tx->cr>8UL) { Error("-C ", 13ul); } } else if (h[1U]=='c') { osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul); if ((!aprsstr_StrToCard(h, 4096ul, &chip0->rxcr) || chip0->rxcr<5UL) || chip0->rxcr>8UL) { Error("-c ", 13ul); } } else if (h[1U]=='D') { osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul); if (!aprsstr_StrToCard(h, 4096ul, &tx->deviation) || tx->deviation>20000UL) { Error("-D ", 32ul); } } else if (h[1U]=='s') { osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul); if ((!aprsstr_StrToInt(h, 4096ul, &res) || labs(res)<6L) || labs(res)>12L) { Error("-s ", 20ul); } chip0->rxsf = (uint32_t)labs(res); if (res<0L) chip0->swapiq = 1; } else if (h[1U]=='S') { osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul); if ((!aprsstr_StrToInt(h, 4096ul, &res) || labs(res)<6L) || labs(res)>12L) { Error("-S ", 20ul); } tx->sf = (uint32_t)labs(res); if (res<0L) tx->swapiq = 1; } else if (h[1U]=='n') { osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul); if (!StrToHex(h, 4096ul, &chip0->netid)) Error("-n ", 11ul); } else if (h[1U]=='N') { osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul); if (!StrToHex(h, 4096ul, &tx->netid)) Error("-N ", 11ul); } else if (h[1U]=='g') { osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul); if ((!aprsstr_StrToCard(h, 4096ul, &chip0->lnagain) || chip0->lnagain>6UL) || chip0->lnagain<1UL) { Error("-g ", 18ul); } } else if (h[1U]=='T') { osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul); if (!aprsstr_StrToCard(h, 4096ul, &tx->txdel) || tx->txdel>100UL) { Error("-T (0..100)", 26ul); } } else if (h[1U]=='H') { osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul); if (!aprsstr_StrToCard(h, 4096ul, &tx->preamb)) Error("-H rxbw) || chip0->rxbw>9UL) { Error("-b bw) || tx->bw>9UL) { Error("-B power) || tx->power>17UL) { Error("-w 0UL) { storetx(chip0, tx); tx = newtx(); } ++txcnt; tx->udp2 = h[1U]!='U'; /* switch on axudp2 */ osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul); if (GetIp(h, 4096ul, &tx->udpip, &tx->udpport, &tx->udpbind, &tx->udpsocket, &tx->checkip)<0L) { strncpy(h,"cannot open udp socket port ",4096u); aprsstr_CardToStr(tx->udpbind, 1UL, hh, 4096ul); aprsstr_Append(h, 4096ul, hh, 4096ul); Error(h, 4096ul); } if (tx->udpport) chip0->rxon = 1; } else if (h[1U]=='v') verb = 1; else if (h[1U]=='V') { verb = 1; verb2 = 1; } else if (h[1U]=='a') chip0->agc = 1; else if (h[1U]=='E') tx->rawfsk = 1; else if (h[1U]=='I') tx->implicit = 1; else if (h[1U]=='i') chip0->implicit = 1; else if (h[1U]=='A') { tx->sendfsk = 1; } else if (h[1U]=='d') tx->usedcd = 1; else if (h[1U]=='Q') tx->swapiq = 1; else if (h[1U]=='q') chip0->swapiq = 1; else if (h[1U]=='K') tx->rawlora = 1; else if (h[1U]=='G') { osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul); if (!aprsstr_StrToInt(h, 4096ul, &tx->baud)) Error("-G [-]", 13ul); if (labs(tx->baud)<490L) { if (tx->baud<0L) tx->baud = -490L; else tx->baud = 490L; } tx->sendfsk = 1; } else if (h[1U]=='R') { osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul); if (!aprsstr_StrToInt(h, 4096ul, &chip0->cfgramp)) Error("-R 0..15", 13ul); } else if (h[1U]=='r') { osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul); if (!aprsstr_StrToInt(h, 4096ul, &chip0->rssicorr)) Error("-r ", 7ul); } else if (h[1U]=='Z') { osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul); if (!aprsstr_StrToInt(h, 4096ul, &chip0->cfgocp)) Error("-Z ", 7ul); } else if (h[1U]=='O') { osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul); if (!aprsstr_StrToInt(h, 4096ul, &tx->cfgoptimize)) Error("-O <-1..1", 10ul); } else if (h[1U]=='o') { osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul); if (!aprsstr_StrToInt(h, 4096ul, &chip0->cfgoptimize)) Error("-o <-1..1", 10ul); } else if (h[1U]=='P') { osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul); if ((!aprsstr_StrToFix(&chip0->ppm, h, 4096ul) || chip0->ppm<(-133.0f)) || chip0->ppm>133.0f) { Error("-P ", 9ul); } } else if (h[1U]=='X') { osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul); if ((!aprsstr_StrToFix(&chip0->datarate, h, 4096ul) || chip0->datarate<(-133.0f)) || chip0->datarate>133.0f) { Error("-X ", 9ul); } } else if (h[1U]=='F') { osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul); if ((!aprsstr_StrToFix(&tx->mhz, h, 4096ul) || tx->mhz<137.0f) || tx->mhz>1020.0f) { Error("-F ", 9ul); } } else if (h[1U]=='f') { osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul); if ((!aprsstr_StrToFix(&chip0->rxmhz, h, 4096ul) || chip0->rxmhz<137.0f) || chip0->rxmhz>1020.0f) { Error("-f ", 9ul); } } else if (h[1U]=='J') { osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul); if (GetIp1(h, 4096ul, &jipnum, &judpport)<0L) Error("-J ip:port number", 18ul); if (judpport) { if (judpsock<0L) judpsock = openudp(); if (judpsock<0L) Error("cannot open udp socket", 23ul); chip0->rxon = 1; } } else if (h[1U]=='W') { osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul); if (!aprsstr_StrToCard(h, 4096ul, &chip0->preamblelimit)) { Error("-W ", 19ul); } } else if (h[1U]=='h') { osi_WrStrLn(" ra-02 (sx127x) via LPT or multiple chips via GPIO to axudp by oe5dxl", 70ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -A tx AFSK 1200 Baud", 38ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -a AGC on", 27ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -B tx bandwidth kHz 0:7.8 1:10.4 2:15.6 3:20.8 4:31.25 5:41.7 6:62.5 7:125 8:2\ 50 9:500 (7)", 108ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -b rx bandwidth (7)", 37ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -C tx coding rate 5..8 (5)", 44ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -c rx coding rate 5..8 (5)", 44ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -D (a)fsk deviation +-Hz (3000)", 49ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -d do not send while DCD on this band or if dcd on tx sf/bw)", 78ul); osi_WrStrLn(" timebase is detection duration, some ms see chip manual", 78ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -E Send UDP frame unmodified in FSK up to 1500Byte eg. for POCSAG", 83ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -F tx MHz (433.775)", 37ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -f rx MHz (433.775)", 37ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -G [-] Send GFSK -baud same but g3ruh scrambler off (490..250000)", 86ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -g lna gain 6..1, 1 is maximum gain! see chip manual(1)", 73ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -H Preample length (8) sx seems to need minimum 4 (8)", 71ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -h this", 25ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -I tx implicit header on", 42ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -i rx implicit header on", 42ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -J send demodulated data(base64) with metadata in json", 76ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -K tx unmodified axudp and split if too long, rx autodetect", 77ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -L ip:sendport:listenport AXUDPv2 data, apply before all other parameters for this channel", 92ul); osi_WrStrLn(" repeat for more tx contexts with different listen ports", 78ul); osi_WrStrLn(" same rx data are sent to all non zero sendports", 70ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -l lna boost 0..3, more for better ip3 by more supply current (3)", 83ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -N network id tx (sync word) (not use 34=lorawan) (12)", 72ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -n network id rx (sync word)) (12)", 52ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -O 0 | 1 tx low datarate optimize 0=off 1=on else automatic (-1)", 76ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -o 0 | 1 rx low datarate optimize 0=off 1=on else automatic (-1)", 76ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -P x-tal correction +-128 (0.0), datarate correction may be overwritten by -X", 95ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -p GPIO numbers, apply before all parameter to this chip", 85ul); osi_WrStrLn(" repeat for more chips (8 10 9 11)", 56ul); osi_WrStrLn(" with different pins. Sharing needs high", 81ul); osi_WrStrLn(" on not configed chips by pullup or setting nss-gpio high with other tools\ ", 96ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -Q tx invert IQ (or give negative -S)", 55ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -q rx invert IQ (or give negative -s)", 55ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -R PaRamp how fast tx goes to power, see chip manual (9)", 74ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -r add to rssi value to compensate internal and external preamps (0)", 86ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -S tx spread factor 6..12 (12) -6..-12 for invers chirps same as -Q", 85ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -s rx spread factor 6..12 (12) -6..-12 for invers chirps same as -q", 85ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -T (A)FSK txdel in byte (4), not used for raw mode -E", 71ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -U ip:sendport:receiveport AXUDP data, same as -L but standard AXUDP (no metadata)", 84ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -u sleep time between device polls rx/(a)fsk tx, more:faster response, more cp\ u (50000 20000)", 111ul); osi_WrStrLn(" afsk needs 20000 or less to avoid underruns", 66ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -V show more infos on stdout", 46ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -v show some infos on stdout", 46ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -W limit rx preamble symbols against spoofing (250)", 69ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -w tx power 0..17 (10)", 40ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -X data rate correction (0)", 45ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -Z set overcurrent protection, use with care, see chip manual", 79ul); osi_WrStrLn("", 1ul); osi_WrStrLn("ra02 -L -d -r -10 -f 433.775 -w 17 -v", 58ul); osi_WrStrLn("ra02 -p 8 10 9 11 -L -P -2 -d -S 9 -B 6 -F 434.1 -f 433.775 -s 12 -b 7 -L 1\ -v", 114ul); osi_WrStrLn("ra02 -P -L ... -L ... -P -L ... -L ... -v", 143ul); osi_WrStrLn("", 1ul); X2C_ABORT(); } else { h[2U] = 0; aprsstr_Append(h, 4096ul, "? use -h", 9ul); Error(h, 4096ul); } h[0U] = 0; } else { h[1U] = 0; aprsstr_Append(h, 4096ul, "? use -h", 9ul); Error(h, 4096ul); } } if (chips==0 || pcnt>0UL) { storetx(chip0, tx); storechip(pcnt, &res, &sck0, &miso0, &mosi0, &ce0, &chip0); } chkports(); if (verb) { chip0 = chips; while (chip0) { { /* with */ struct CHIP * anonym = chip0; Wrchipnum(chip0, 1); osi_WrStr("RX:", 4ul); tx = anonym->ptx; txcnt = 0UL; while (tx) { if (tx->udpport) { if (txcnt==0UL) osi_WrStr(" port=", 7ul); else osi_WrStr(",", 2ul); osic_WrUINT32(tx->udpport, 1UL); ++txcnt; } tx = tx->next; } osi_WrStr(" on=", 5ul); osic_WrUINT32((uint32_t)anonym->rxon, 1UL); osi_WrStr(" opt=", 6ul); osic_WrUINT32((uint32_t)anonym->optimize, 1UL); osi_WrStr(" agc=", 6ul); osic_WrUINT32((uint32_t)anonym->agc, 1UL); osi_WrStr(" f=", 4ul); osic_WrFixed(anonym->rxmhz, 4L, 1UL); osi_WrStr("MHz", 4ul); osi_WrStr(" sf=", 5ul); osic_WrUINT32(anonym->rxsf, 1UL); osi_WrStr(" bw=", 5ul); osic_WrFixed(_cnst[anonym->rxbw], 1L, 1UL); osi_WrStr("kHz", 4ul); osi_WrStr(" id=", 5ul); WrHex(anonym->netid, 2UL, 0UL); osi_WrStr(" lnaboost=", 11ul); osic_WrUINT32(anonym->lnaboost, 1UL); if (anonym->swapiq) osi_WrStr(" invertIQ", 10ul); if ((float)fabs(anonym->datarate)>133.0f) anonym->datarate = anonym->ppm; osi_WrStr(" symt=", 7ul); osic_WrFixed(anonym->symboltime, 3L, 1UL); osi_WrStr("ms", 3ul); osi_WrStr(" ppm=", 6ul); osic_WrFixed(anonym->ppm, 1L, 1UL); osi_WrStr(" dr=", 5ul); osic_WrFixed(anonym->datarate, 1L, 1UL); osi_WrStr("ppm", 4ul); osi_WrStrLn("", 1ul); tx = anonym->ptx; while (tx) { if (tx->udpbind) { osi_WrStr("TX:", 4ul); osi_WrStr(" port=", 7ul); osic_WrUINT32(tx->udpbind, 1UL); osi_WrStr(" pwr=", 6ul); osic_WrUINT32(tx->power, 1UL); osi_WrStr("dBm", 4ul); osi_WrStr(" f=", 4ul); osic_WrFixed(tx->mhz, 4L, 1UL); osi_WrStr("MHz", 4ul); if (!tx->rawfsk && !tx->sendfsk) { osi_WrStr(" opt=", 6ul); osic_WrUINT32((uint32_t)tx->optimize, 1UL); osi_WrStr(" imp=", 6ul); osic_WrUINT32((uint32_t)tx->implicit, 1UL); osi_WrStr(" sf=", 5ul); osic_WrUINT32(tx->sf, 1UL); osi_WrStr(" cr=", 5ul); osic_WrUINT32(tx->cr, 1UL); osi_WrStr(" bw=", 5ul); osic_WrFixed(_cnst[tx->bw], 1L, 1UL); osi_WrStr("kHz", 4ul); osi_WrStr(" id=", 5ul); WrHex(tx->netid, 2UL, 0UL); osi_WrStr(" preamb=", 9ul); osic_WrFixed(tx->symboltime*(float)tx->preamb, 2L, 1UL); osi_WrStr("ms", 3ul); if (tx->swapiq) { osi_WrStr(" invertIQ", 10ul); } if (tx->rawlora) osi_WrStr(" rawdata", 9ul); } else { if (!tx->rawfsk) { osi_WrStr(" txdel=", 8ul); osic_WrUINT32(tx->txdel, 1UL); osi_WrStr("byte", 5ul); if (tx->baud==0L) { osi_WrStr(" baud=1200 AFSK", 16ul); } else { osi_WrStr("baud=", 6ul); osic_WrUINT32((uint32_t)labs(tx->baud), 1UL); if (tx->baud<0L) { osi_WrStr(" FSK", 5ul); } else osi_WrStr(" g3ruh", 7ul); } } else { osi_WrStr(" baud=", 7ul); osic_WrUINT32((uint32_t)labs(tx->baud), 1UL); osi_WrStr(" raw FSK", 9ul); } osi_WrStr(" deviation+-=", 14ul); osic_WrUINT32(tx->deviation, 1UL); } osi_WrStrLn("", 1ul); } tx = tx->next; } chip0 = anonym->next; } } } } /* end Parms() */ static void delay(void) { /* usleep(20); */ } /* end delay() */ static char scp(const struct GPIO gpio, char rd, char nss, char sck, char mosi) { char h[2]; char res; int32_t fd; int32_t r; if (rd) { fd = osi_OpenRead(gpio.misoFN, 100ul); if (fd>=0L) { r = osi_RdBin(fd, (char *)h, 2u/1u, 1UL); osic_Close(fd); res = h[0U]!='0'; } else res = 0; } else res = 0; h[0U] = (char)(48UL+(uint32_t)sck); osi_WrBin(gpio.sckFD, (char *)h, 2u/1u, 1UL); if (nss!=X2C_INL(gpio.ceN,256,gpostate)) { if (nss) { h[0U] = '1'; X2C_INCL(gpostate,gpio.ceN,256); } else { h[0U] = '0'; X2C_EXCL(gpostate,gpio.ceN,256); } osi_WrBin(gpio.ceFD, (char *)h, 2u/1u, 1UL); } if (mosi!=X2C_INL(gpio.mosiN,256,gpostate)) { if (mosi) { h[0U] = '1'; X2C_INCL(gpostate,gpio.mosiN,256); } else { h[0U] = '0'; X2C_EXCL(gpostate,gpio.mosiN,256); } osi_WrBin(gpio.mosiFD, (char *)h, 2u/1u, 1UL); } return res; } /* end scp() */ static void scpio(const struct GPIO gpio, char wr, uint32_t a, uint32_t len, char s[], uint32_t s_len) /* send or receive a buffer */ { uint32_t d; uint32_t rd; uint32_t j; uint32_t i; char b; j = 0UL; i = 16UL; while (j=' ' && (uint8_t)c<'\177') osi_WrStr((char *) &c, 1u/1u); else { osi_WrStr("[", 2ul); WrHex((uint32_t)(uint8_t)c, 2UL, 0UL); osi_WrStr("]", 2ul); } } /* end WrByte() */ static void WrBytes(const char s[], uint32_t s_len, int32_t len) { int32_t i; int32_t tmp; tmp = len-1L; i = 0L; if (i<=tmp) for (;; i++) { WrByte(s[i]); if (i==tmp) break; } /* end for */ } /* end WrBytes() */ static void Showregs(pCHIP chp) { uint32_t i; for (i = 0UL; i<=100UL; i++) { WrHex(i, 2UL, 0UL); osi_WrStr(":", 2ul); WrHex(scpi(chp->gpio, i), 2UL, 0UL); osi_WrStr(" ", 2ul); if ((i&15UL)==15UL) osi_WrStrLn("", 1ul); } /* end for */ osi_WrStrLn("", 1ul); } /* end Showregs() */ static void app(uint32_t * i, uint32_t * p, char b[501], char c, int32_t v) { char s[51]; b[*p] = c; ++*p; aprsstr_IntToStr(v, 0UL, s, 51ul); *i = 0UL; while (s[*i]) { b[*p] = s[*i]; ++*p; ++*i; } b[*p] = ' '; ++*p; } /* end app() */ static void sendaxudp2(pCHIP chp, char mon[], uint32_t mon_len, uint32_t len, int32_t txd, int32_t lev, int32_t snr, int32_t afc) { char data[501]; char b[501]; int32_t datalen; int32_t ret; uint32_t i; uint32_t p; pTXCONTEXT tx; X2C_PCOPY((void **)&mon,mon_len); if (chp->rxon) { if (len==0UL) { /* aprs */ aprsstr_mon2raw(mon, mon_len, data, 501ul, &datalen); if (datalen>2L) { datalen -= 2L; /* remove crc */ b[0U] = '\001'; b[1U] = '0'; p = 2UL; app(&i, &p, b, 'T', txd); app(&i, &p, b, 'V', lev); app(&i, &p, b, 'S', snr); app(&i, &p, b, 'A', afc); b[p] = 0; /* end of axudp2 header */ ++p; i = 0UL; do { b[p] = data[i]; ++p; ++i; } while ((int32_t)iptx; while (tx) { /* send rx data to all tx contexts */ if (tx->udpport) { ret = udpsend(tx->udpsocket, b, (int32_t)(p+2UL), tx->udpport, tx->udpip); } tx = tx->next; /* prx next points to ptx table */ } } } else { /* pr */ tx = chp->ptx; while (tx) { /* send rx data to all tx contexts */ if (tx->udpport) { ret = udpsend(tx->udpsocket, mon, (int32_t)len, tx->udpport, tx->udpip); } tx = tx->next; /* prx next points to ptx table */ } } } X2C_PFREE(mon); } /* end sendaxudp2() */ static char b64(uint32_t c) { c = c&63UL; if (c<26UL) return (char)(c+65UL); else if (c<52UL) return (char)(c+71UL); else if (c<62UL) return (char)((int32_t)c+(-4L)); else if (c==62UL) return '+'; else return '/'; return 0; } /* end b64() */ static void enc64(uint32_t b, uint32_t n, char s[], uint32_t s_len) { uint32_t i; for (i = n; i<=2UL; i++) { b = b*256UL; } /* end for */ s[2UL] = '='; s[3UL] = '='; s[4UL] = 0; s[0UL] = b64(b/262144UL); s[1UL] = b64(b/4096UL); if (n>=2UL) s[2UL] = b64(b/64UL); if (n==3UL) s[3UL] = b64(b); } /* end enc64() */ static void sendjson(uint32_t jipnum0, uint32_t judpport0, uint32_t id, const char text[], uint32_t text_len, uint32_t dlen, char hascrc, char crc, char invert, uint32_t sf, uint32_t cr, uint32_t txd, uint32_t bwnum, int32_t level, float snr, float jmhz, int32_t df) { char h[1000]; char s[1000]; int32_t ret; uint32_t b; uint32_t i; strncpy(s,"{",1000u); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, "\"net\":", 7ul); aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t)id, 1UL, h, 1000ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, h, 1000ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, ",\"crc\":", 8ul); aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t)((uint32_t)hascrc+(uint32_t)crc)-1L, 1UL, h, 1000ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, h, 1000ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, ",\"invers\":", 11ul); aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t)(uint32_t)invert, 1UL, h, 1000ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, h, 1000ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, ",\"bw\":", 7ul); aprsstr_FixToStr(_cnst[bwnum]*1000.0f, 2UL, h, 1000ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, h, 1000ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, ",\"sf\":", 7ul); aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t)sf, 1UL, h, 1000ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, h, 1000ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, ",\"cr\":", 7ul); aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t)cr, 1UL, h, 1000ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, h, 1000ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, ",\"preamb\":", 11ul); aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t)txd, 1UL, h, 1000ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, h, 1000ul); /* Append(s, ',"duration":'); IntToStr(frametime, 1, h); Append(s, h); */ aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, ",\"level\":", 10ul); aprsstr_IntToStr(level, 1UL, h, 1000ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, h, 1000ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, ",\"afc\":", 8ul); aprsstr_IntToStr(df, 1UL, h, 1000ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, h, 1000ul); /* Append(s, ',"nfloor":'); FixToStr(n, 2, h); Append(s, h); */ aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, ",\"snr\":", 8ul); aprsstr_FixToStr(snr, 2UL, h, 1000ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, h, 1000ul); if (jmhz!=0.0f) { aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, ",\"rxmhz\":", 10ul); aprsstr_FixToStr(jmhz+0.0005f, 4UL, h, 1000ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, h, 1000ul); } aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, ",\"ver\":\"sx\"", 12ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, ",\"payload\":\"", 13ul); b = 0UL; i = 0UL; while (i0C THEN IF jsonfd<0 THEN jsonfd:=OpenNONBLOCK(jpipename); IF jsonfd<0 THEN jsonfd:=OpenWrite(jpipename) ELSE Seekend(jsonfd, 0) END; (* no file and no pipe *) END; IF jsonfd>=0 THEN WrBin(jsonfd, s, Length(s)) ELSE WrStrLn("cannot write json-file") END; END; */ if (judpport0) ret = udpsend(judpsock, s, (int32_t)aprsstr_Length(s, 1000ul), judpport0, jipnum0); } /* end sendjson() */ static void hdlc(char b[], uint32_t b_len, int32_t len, int32_t txdel, char h[], uint32_t h_len, uint32_t * hlen, char fsk, char scramb, char notxd, uint32_t * scrambler) { uint32_t dds; uint32_t sc; uint32_t obc; uint32_t bitc; uint32_t stuff; int32_t p; uint16_t c; char dostuff; char nrzi; nrzi = 0; bitc = 0UL; if (notxd) p = -2L; else p = -txdel; stuff = 0UL; dostuff = 0; obc = 0UL; *hlen = 0UL; dds = 0UL; do { if (stuff>=5UL) { nrzi = !nrzi; /* stuffbit */ stuff = 0UL; } else { if (bitc==0UL) { dostuff = p>=0L && p>1; --bitc; } /* store nrzi bit */ if (fsk) { if (*hlen<(h_len-1)-8UL) { *scrambler = X2C_LSH(*scrambler,32,1); if (scramb) { if (nrzi!=(((0x1000UL & *scrambler)!=0)!=((0x20000UL & *scrambler)!=0))) { *scrambler |= 0x1UL; } } else if (nrzi) *scrambler |= 0x1UL; h[*hlen] = (char)((uint32_t)(uint8_t)h[*hlen]*2UL+(uint32_t)((0x1UL & *scrambler)!=0)); ++obc; if (obc>7UL) { obc = 0UL; ++*hlen; } } } else { for (sc = 0UL; sc<=10UL; sc++) { if (*hlen<(h_len-1)-8UL) { if (nrzi) dds += 715784192UL; else dds += 390397952UL; h[*hlen] = (char)((uint32_t)(uint8_t)h[*hlen]*2UL+(uint32_t)(dds>=0x080000000UL)); ++obc; if (obc>7UL) { obc = 0UL; ++*hlen; } } } /* end for */ } } while (!(p>len+1L && obc==0UL)); /* store nrzi bit */ /*+2*VAL(INTEGER,ORD(scramb))*/ /* trailing flags */ /*WrStrLn(""); FOR p:=0 TO VAL(INTEGER,hlen) DO WrHex(ORD(h[p]),2,0) END; WrStrLn(""); */ } /* end hdlc() */ static void showbits(const char b[], uint32_t b_len, int32_t len) { int32_t j; int32_t i; int32_t tmp; if (len>5L) len = 3L; tmp = len-1L; i = 0L; if (i<=tmp) for (;; i++) { for (j = 7L; j>=0L; j--) { osic_WrINT32((uint32_t)X2C_IN(j,8,(uint8_t)(uint8_t)b[i]), 1UL); } /* end for */ if (i==tmp) break; } /* end for */ } /* end showbits() */ static char cmp(uint32_t a, uint32_t b, const char h[], uint32_t h_len, const char w[], uint32_t w_len) { uint32_t i; i = 0UL; for (;;) { if (i>w_len-1 || w[i]==0) return a>=b; if (a>=b || w[i]!=h[a]) return 0; ++i; ++a; } return 0; } /* end cmp() */ static uint32_t d64(char c) { if (c=='=') return 64UL; if (c=='+') return 62UL; if (c=='/') return 63UL; if ((uint8_t)c>='0' && (uint8_t)c<='9') return ((uint32_t)(uint8_t)c+52UL)-48UL; if ((uint8_t)c>='A' && (uint8_t)c<='Z') return (uint32_t)(uint8_t)c-65UL; if ((uint8_t)c>='a' && (uint8_t)c<='z') return ((uint32_t)(uint8_t)c+26UL)-97UL; return 255UL; } /* end d64() */ static void decodejson(char b[], uint32_t b_len, int32_t * bl) /* {"payload":"base64..."} */ { uint32_t len; uint32_t a; uint32_t p; uint32_t wh; uint32_t wp; uint32_t w; uint32_t c; len = (uint32_t)*bl; if (len>=2UL && b[0UL]=='{') { p = 1UL; while (b[p]==' ') { ++p; if (p>len) return; } if (b[p]=='\"') { ++p; if (p>len) return; a = p; while ((uint8_t)b[p]>=' ' && b[p]!='\"') { ++p; if (p>len) return; } if (b[p]!='\"') return; if (cmp(a, p, b, b_len, "payload", 8ul)) { *bl = 0L; ++p; if (p>len) return; while (b[p]==' ') { ++p; if (p>len) return; } if (b[p]!=':') return; ++p; if (p>len) return; while (b[p]==' ') { ++p; if (p>len) return; } if (b[p]!='\"') return; ++p; if (p>len) return; a = 0UL; wp = 0UL; while (b[p]!='\"') { c = d64(b[p]); if (c==255UL) return; if (c<64UL) { w = w*64UL+c; ++a; } if (c==64UL || a>=4UL) { if (a==2UL) w = w/16UL; else if (a==3UL) w = w/4UL; if (a>=2UL) { --a; wp += a; wh = wp-1UL; do { b[wh] = (char)(w&255UL); w = w/256UL; --wh; --a; } while (a); a = 0UL; } } ++p; if (p>len) return; } ++p; if (p>len) return; while (b[p]==' ') { ++p; if (p>len) return; } if (b[p]=='}') *bl = (int32_t)wp; } } } } /* end decodejson() */ static aprsstr_GHOSTSET _cnst1 = {0x00000000UL,0x00000000UL,0x00000000UL,0x00000000UL,0x00000000UL,0x00000000UL, 0x00000000UL,0x00000000UL,0x00000000UL}; static void getaxudp2(pCHIP chp) { uint32_t fromport; uint32_t ip; char crc2; char crc1; int32_t len; uint32_t slen; char showtext[1501]; char rb[1501]; char udp2[64]; /* axudp2 header */ char cont; char ok0; uint32_t i; struct CHIP * anonym; /* axudp2 */ struct TXCONTEXT * anonym0; cont = chp->atx!=0; if (!cont) chp->atx = chp->ptx; len = 0L; for (;;) { if (chp->atx==0) return; if (chp->atx->udpbind) { /* IF chp^.atx^.splitlen>0 THEN (* rawlora frame splitted, send part 2 *) len:=0; FOR i:=255 TO chp^.atx^.splitlen-1 DO rb[len]:=chp^.atx^.ftext[i]; INC(len); END; chp^.atx^.splitlen:=0; split:=TRUE; ELSIF chp^.atx^.ftextlen=0 THEN */ if (chp->atx->ftextlen==0UL) { /* buffer is sent complete */ len = udpreceive(chp->atx->udpsocket, rb, 1501L, &fromport, &ip); if (len>0L) break; } } if (cont) { chp->atx = 0; return; } chp->atx = chp->atx->next; } { /* with */ struct CHIP * anonym = chp; ok0 = 0; anonym->atx->ftextlen = 0UL; decodejson(rb, 1501ul, &len); if ((len>=2L && len<1501L) && ((!anonym->atx->checkip || anonym->atx->udpip==0UL) || anonym->atx->udpip==ip)) { if (verb2) { osi_WrStr("got frame len=", 15ul); osic_WrINT32((uint32_t)len, 1UL); osi_WrStrLn("B", 2ul); } crc1 = rb[len-2L]; crc2 = rb[len-1L]; if (!anonym->atx->rawfsk && !anonym->atx->rawlora) aprsstr_AppCRC(rb, 1501ul, len-2L); udp2[0U] = 0; if ((anonym->atx->rawfsk || anonym->atx->rawlora) || crc1==rb[len-2L] && crc2==rb[len-1L]) { if (!(anonym->atx->rawfsk || anonym->atx->rawlora) && rb[0U]=='\001') { aprsstr_extrudp2(rb, 1501ul, udp2, 64ul, &len); } { /* with */ struct TXCONTEXT * anonym0 = anonym->atx; slen = 0UL; if (anonym0->rawfsk || anonym0->rawlora) { anonym0->ftextlen = 0UL; while (anonym0->ftextlen<=3850UL && anonym0->ftextlen<(uint32_t)len) { anonym0->ftext[anonym0->ftextlen] = rb[anonym0->ftextlen]; ++anonym0->ftextlen; } if (verb && anonym0->ftextlen>2UL) { osi_WrStr("UDP:", 5ul); ShowFrame(anonym0->ftext, 3851ul, anonym0->ftextlen-2UL, (char)(chp->num+48UL)); } if ((anonym0->rawlora && anonym0->ftextlen>=255UL) && anonym0->ftextlen+2UL<3850UL) { /* split frame */ for (i = anonym0->ftextlen-1UL; i>=253UL; i--) { /* place for chaining crc */ anonym0->ftext[i+2UL] = anonym0->ftext[i]; rb[i-253UL] = anonym0->ftext[i]; } /* end for */ aprsstr_AppCRC(rb, 1501ul, (int32_t)(anonym0->ftextlen-253UL)); anonym0->ftext[253U] = rb[anonym0->ftextlen-253UL]; /* append crc rest frame as join hash */ anonym0->ftext[254U] = rb[anonym0->ftextlen-252UL]; anonym0->ftextlen += 2UL; } ok0 = 1; } else { aprsstr_raw2mon(rb, 1501ul, anonym0->ftext, 3851ul, (uint32_t)(len-2L), &anonym0->ftextlen, _cnst1); if (anonym0->ftextlen>0UL) --anonym0->ftextlen; while (slen<=1500UL && slenftextlen) { showtext[slen] = anonym0->ftext[slen]; ++slen; } if (anonym0->sendfsk) { hdlc(rb, 1501ul, len, (int32_t)anonym0->txdel, anonym0->ftext, 3851ul, &anonym0->ftextlen, anonym->atx->baud!=0L, anonym->atx->baud>0L, cont, &anonym0->scrambler); } ok0 = anonym0->ftextlen>2UL; } if (verb) { Wrchipnum(chp, 0); if (anonym0->sendfsk) { if (anonym->atx->baud) { if (anonym0->rawfsk) { osi_WrStr(" tx raw fsk:[", 14ul); showbits(anonym0->ftext, 3851ul, (int32_t)anonym0->ftextlen); osi_WrStr("...] ", 6ul); } else if (anonym->atx->baud>0L) { osi_WrStr(" tx g3ruh:", 11ul); } else osi_WrStr(" tx hdlc fsk:", 14ul); osic_WrUINT32((uint32_t)labs(anonym->atx->baud), 1UL); osi_WrStr("Bd", 3ul); } else osi_WrStr(" tx afsk:", 10ul); } else osi_WrStr(" tx:", 5ul); osi_WrStr(" port:", 7ul); osic_WrUINT32(anonym->atx->udpbind, 1UL); osi_WrStr(" f:", 4ul); osic_WrFixed(anonym->atx->mhz, 4L, 1UL); if (slen>2UL) { osi_WrStr(" [", 3ul); WrBytes(showtext, 1501ul, (int32_t)slen); osi_WrStrLn("]", 2ul); } else osi_WrStrLn("", 1ul); } } } else if (verb) osi_WrStrLn(" axudp crc error ", 18ul); } if (ok0) anonym->atx->fskp = 0L; else anonym->atx = 0; } } /* end getaxudp2() */ static void setsynth(pCHIP chp, float mhz) { uint32_t synt; mhz = mhz+mhz*chp->ppm*1.E-6f; synt = (uint32_t)X2C_TRUNCC(mhz*16384.0f+0.5f,0UL,X2C_max_longcard); scpo(chp->gpio, 6UL, synt/65536UL); /* freq high */ scpo(chp->gpio, 7UL, synt/256UL&255UL); /* freq mid */ scpo(chp->gpio, 8UL, synt&255UL); /* freq low */ } /* end setsynth() */ static void Setmode(pCHIP chp, uint32_t m, char check, char tx) { uint32_t n; if (tx && chp->atx) m += 8UL*(uint32_t)(chp->atx->mhz<=779.0f); else m += 8UL*(uint32_t)(chp->rxmhz<=779.0f); n = 0UL; for (;;) { scpo(chp->gpio, 1UL, m); if (!check || scpi(chp->gpio, 1UL)==m) break; usleep(1000UL); ++n; if ((n&255UL)==0UL) { Wrchipnum(chp, 0); osi_WrStr(" try set mode:", 15ul); WrHex(m, 2UL, 0UL); osi_WrStr(" chip has:", 11ul); WrHex(scpi(chp->gpio, 1UL), 2UL, 0UL); osi_WrStrLn("", 1ul); } } } /* end Setmode() */ static void startfsk(pCHIP chp) { uint32_t pow0; uint32_t bd; /* IF verb THEN Wrchipnum(chp, FALSE); WrStr(" afsk: port:"); WrCard(chp^.atx^.udpbind, 1); WrStr(" f:"); WrFixed(chp^.atx^.mhz, 4, 1); END; */ setsynth(chp, chp->atx->mhz); Setmode(chp, 0UL, 1, 1); /* sleep */ /*Setmode(chp, 3, TRUE); */ /*usleep(100000); */ Setmode(chp, 4UL, 1, 1); /* rx to clear fifo */ Setmode(chp, 0UL, 1, 1); /* sleep */ pow0 = chp->atx->power; if (chp->boost) { /* IF pow=20 THEN scpo(chp^.gpio, RegPaDac,7) END; (* 20dBm switch send time too long*) */ if (pow0>17UL) pow0 = 17UL; else if (pow0<2UL) pow0 = 2UL; pow0 -= 2UL; } else if (pow0>15UL) pow0 = 15UL; scpo(chp->gpio, 9UL, 240UL+pow0); /* tx power */ scpo(chp->gpio, 10UL, 41UL+64UL*(uint32_t)(chp->atx->baud==0L)); /* baseband lowpass 0.3B on afsk, pa ramp */ /* scpo(chp^.gpio, RegPllHf, CAST(CARDINAL, CAST(SET32, scpi(chp^.gpio, RegPllHf))*SET32{0..5} )); (* 75khz pll bandwidth *) */ if (chp->atx->baud) bd = 512000000UL/(uint32_t)labs(chp->atx->baud); else bd = 38787UL; scpo(chp->gpio, 2UL, bd/4096UL); scpo(chp->gpio, 3UL, bd/16UL&255UL); scpo(chp->gpio, 93UL, bd&15UL); bd = chp->atx->deviation/61UL; scpo(chp->gpio, 4UL, bd/256UL); scpo(chp->gpio, 5UL, bd&255UL); scpo(chp->gpio, 37UL, 0UL); scpo(chp->gpio, 38UL, 0UL); scpo(chp->gpio, 39UL, 0UL); scpo(chp->gpio, 48UL, 0UL); scpo(chp->gpio, 49UL, 64UL); /*40H*/ scpo(chp->gpio, 50UL, 0UL); bd = 56UL; if (56UL>=chp->atx->ftextlen) bd = chp->atx->ftextlen-1UL; scpo(chp->gpio, 53UL, bd); /*chp^.atx^.fskp:=0; */ /*WrStrLn(""); FOR i:=0 TO 3FH DO WrHex(scpi(chp^.gpio, i), 3) END; WrStrLn(""); */ /*scpo(chp^.gpio, RegOpMode,3); (* use if sequencer dead *) */ /*REPEAT WrHex(scpi(chp^.gpio, RegIrqFlags1),1) UNTIL scpi(chp^.gpio, RegIrqFlags1)>=128; (* mode ready *) */ /*WrHex(scpi(chp^.gpio, RegSeqConfig1),3);WrStrLn("=seq"); */ /* scpo(chp^.gpio, RegSeqConfig1, 0B8H); (*B8*) (* start sequencer tx on fifo thres *) */ /*WrHex(scpi(chp^.gpio, RegSeqConfig1),3);WrStrLn("=seq"); */ scpo(chp->gpio, 54UL, 184UL); /*B8*/ /* start sequencer tx on fifo thres */ } /* end startfsk() */ static void setppm(pCHIP chp) { float p; p = chp->ppm; if (chp->datarate!=0.0f) p = chp->datarate; /*WrInt(VAL(INT8, p*0.95+0.5), 1); WrStrLn(" = datarate"); */ scpo(chp->gpio, 39UL, (uint32_t)(uint8_t)(signed char)X2C_TRUNCI(p*0.95f+0.5f,-128,127)); /* datarate correction */ } /* end setppm() */ static void startrx(pCHIP chp, char dcdonly) { uint32_t id; uint32_t sf; uint32_t bw; struct CHIP * anonym; { /* with */ struct CHIP * anonym = chp; bw = anonym->rxbw; sf = anonym->rxsf; id = anonym->netid; if (dcdonly) { /* look where we want to send next */ bw = anonym->atx->bw; sf = anonym->atx->sf; id = anonym->atx->netid; } Setmode(chp, 128UL, 1, 0); scpo(anonym->gpio, 29UL, 16UL*bw+2UL+(uint32_t)chp->implicit); /* bw cr explizit */ scpo(anonym->gpio, 12UL, 32UL*(chp->lnagain&7UL)+8UL*(anonym->lnaboost&3UL)); /* lna gain, current */ Setmode(chp, 128UL, 0, 0); /* sleep */ scpo(anonym->gpio, 30UL, sf*16UL+4UL); /* spread factor + crc on */ scpo(anonym->gpio, 38UL, (uint32_t)anonym->agc*4UL+(uint32_t)anonym->optimize*8UL); /* agc txoptimize */ scpo(anonym->gpio, 49UL, 3UL+2UL*(uint32_t)(sf==6UL)); /* rxoptimize 3, on sf=6 5 */ scpo(anonym->gpio, 55UL, 10UL+2UL*(uint32_t)(sf==6UL)); scpo(anonym->gpio, 57UL, id); /* syncword */ scpo(chp->gpio, 32UL, chp->preamblelimit/256UL); /* rx preamble limir */ scpo(chp->gpio, 33UL, chp->preamblelimit&255UL); /* rx preamble limit */ if (anonym->swapiq) { scpo(anonym->gpio, 51UL, (uint32_t)((uint32_t)scpi(anonym->gpio, 51UL)|0x40UL)); scpo(anonym->gpio, 59UL, 25UL); } else { scpo(anonym->gpio, 51UL, (uint32_t)((uint32_t)scpi(anonym->gpio, 51UL)&0xBFUL)); scpo(anonym->gpio, 59UL, 29UL); } if (chp->rxbw==9UL) { /* 500khz optimize */ if (chp->rxmhz<=779.0f) { scpo(anonym->gpio, 54UL, 2UL); scpo(anonym->gpio, 58UL, 127UL); } else { scpo(anonym->gpio, 54UL, 2UL); scpo(anonym->gpio, 58UL, 100UL); } } else scpo(anonym->gpio, 54UL, 3UL); setsynth(chp, anonym->rxmhz); Setmode(chp, 133UL+2UL*(uint32_t)dcdonly, 0, 0); /* continous rx or dcd detect */ } } /* end startrx() */ static void send(pCHIP chp) { uint32_t pow0; uint32_t len; uint32_t j; uint32_t i; char b[501]; uint32_t tmp; Setmode(chp, 129UL, 1, 0); if (chp->cfgocp>=0L) scpo(chp->gpio, 11UL, (uint32_t)(chp->cfgocp&31L)); setsynth(chp, chp->atx->mhz); pow0 = chp->atx->power; if (chp->boost) { /* IF pow=20 THEN scpo(chp^.gpio, RegPaDac,7) END; (* 20dBm switch send time too long*) */ if (pow0>17UL) pow0 = 17UL; else if (pow0<2UL) pow0 = 2UL; pow0 -= 2UL; } else if (pow0>15UL) pow0 = 15UL; scpo(chp->gpio, 9UL, 240UL+pow0); /* tx power */ if (chp->cfgramp>=0L) scpo(chp->gpio, 10UL, (uint32_t)(chp->cfgramp&15L)); scpo(chp->gpio, 29UL, 16UL*chp->atx->bw+2UL*(chp->atx->cr-4UL)+(uint32_t)chp->atx->implicit); /* bw cr explizit */ scpo(chp->gpio, 30UL, chp->atx->sf*16UL+4UL); /* spread factor + crc on */ scpo(chp->gpio, 38UL, (uint32_t)chp->agc*4UL+(uint32_t)chp->atx->optimize*8UL); /* agc txoptimize */ scpo(chp->gpio, 32UL, chp->atx->preamb/256UL); /* preamble length */ scpo(chp->gpio, 33UL, chp->atx->preamb&255UL); /* preamble length */ scpo(chp->gpio, 57UL, chp->atx->netid); /* syncword */ if (chp->atx->swapiq) scpo(chp->gpio, 51UL, (uint32_t)((uint32_t)scpi(chp->gpio, 51UL)&0xFEUL)); else scpo(chp->gpio, 51UL, (uint32_t)((uint32_t)scpi(chp->gpio, 51UL)|0x1UL)); /*scpo(chp^.gpio, RegInvertIQ, 27H); */ /*WrHex(scpi(chp^.gpio, RegInvertIQ), 5); WrStrLn("=inv"); */ len = 0UL; if (!chp->atx->rawlora) { b[0U] = '<'; /* for whatever */ b[1U] = '\377'; /* for whatever */ b[2U] = '\001'; /* for whatever */ len = 3UL; } i = 0UL; j = chp->atx->ftextlen; if (j>255UL) { j = 255UL; if (!chp->atx->rawlora && verb) osi_WrStrLn("---packet length stripped to 255", 33ul); } while (iatx->ftext[i]; ++len; ++i; } if (chp->atx->verbpart2) { osi_WrStr("send split frame part 2 len=", 29ul); osic_WrINT32(chp->atx->ftextlen, 1UL); osi_WrStrLn("", 1ul); } chp->atx->verbpart2 = 0; if (chp->atx->rawlora && chp->atx->ftextlen>255UL) { /*second part of split frame */ if (verb) { osi_WrStrLn("send split frame part 1", 24ul); chp->atx->verbpart2 = 1; /* for verb only */ } tmp = chp->atx->ftextlen-1UL; i = 255UL; if (i<=tmp) for (;; i++) { chp->atx->ftext[i-255UL] = chp->atx->ftext[i]; if (i==tmp) break; } /* end for */ chp->atx->ftextlen -= 255UL; } else chp->atx->ftextlen = 0UL; /*IF verb THEN WrStr(" [");WrBytes(b, len); WrStrLn("]") END; */ scpo(chp->gpio, 34UL, len); /* payload length */ scpo(chp->gpio, 13UL, scpi(chp->gpio, 14UL)); /* write pointer */ scpio(chp->gpio, 1, 0UL, len, b, 501ul); scpo(chp->gpio, 18UL, 255UL); /* clear all irq */ Setmode(chp, 131UL, 1, 1); /* transmit */ } /* end send() */ static void txfill(pCHIP chp) { char b[8]; uint32_t f; int32_t i; int32_t r; int32_t tmp; if (chp->atx) { for (;;) { f = scpi(chp->gpio, 63UL); /*WrHex(f,1); WrStr("=f "); */ if ((0x20U & (uint8_t)f)) break; if (chp->atx->fskp && (0x40U & (uint8_t)f)) break; for (;;) { r = (int32_t)chp->atx->ftextlen-chp->atx->fskp; if (r>0L) break; chp->atx->ftextlen = 0UL; getaxudp2(chp); /* more data as tx is on */ if (chp->atx==0) break; } if (r<=0L) break; if (r>8L) r = 8L; tmp = r-1L; i = 0L; if (i<=tmp) for (;; i++) { b[i] = chp->atx->ftext[chp->atx->fskp]; ++chp->atx->fskp; if (i==tmp) break; } /* end for */ scpio(chp->gpio, 1, 0UL, (uint32_t)r, b, 8ul); } } /*WrStr("+"); */ } /* end txfill() */ static void startdcdcheck(pCHIP chip0) { scpo(chip0->gpio, 18UL, 255UL); startrx(chip0, 1); /* start dcd detect on tx mhz/mod */ if (verb2) { osi_WrStr("start cad ", 11ul); osic_WrFixed(chip0->atx->mhz, 3L, 1UL); osi_WrStrLn("", 1ul); } } /* end startdcdcheck() */ static char dcddone(pCHIP chip0, char * dcd0) { if ((0x4U & (uint8_t)scpi(chip0->gpio, 18UL))==0) return 0; /* cad not done */ *dcd0 = (0x1U & (uint8_t)scpi(chip0->gpio, 18UL))!=0; if (verb2) { osic_WrUINT32((uint32_t)*dcd0, 1UL); osi_WrStrLn(" cad done", 10ul); } return 1; } /* end dcddone() */ static void showv2(pCHIP chip0, uint8_t bandmap) { Wrchipnum(chip0, 0); osi_WrStr(" st:", 5ul); WrHex(scpi(chip0->gpio, 1UL), 2UL, 0UL); osi_WrStr(" cnt:", 6ul); osic_WrINT32(scpi(chip0->gpio, 23UL), 1UL); osi_WrStr(" rssi:", 7ul); osic_WrINT32(scpi(chip0->gpio, 27UL), 1UL); osi_WrStr(" stat:", 7ul); WrHex(scpi(chip0->gpio, 24UL), 2UL, 0UL); osi_WrStr(" flags:", 8ul); WrHex(scpi(chip0->gpio, 18UL), 2UL, 0UL); osi_WrStr(" state:", 8ul); osic_WrUINT32((uint32_t)chip0->state, 1UL); osi_WrStr(" dcd:", 6ul); osic_WrUINT32((uint32_t)(uint8_t)bandmap, 1UL); if (chip0->atx) { osi_WrStr(" atx ", 6ul); osic_WrINT32(chip0->atx->ftextlen, 1UL); osi_WrStr("Bytes ", 7ul); } osi_WrStrLn("", 1ul); } /* end showv2() */ static char chkpr(char raw[], uint32_t raw_len, uint32_t rawlen, char pr[], uint32_t pr_len, uint32_t * prlen, char * part2) /* try to find out if pr frame or lora */ { uint32_t i; uint32_t tmp; char chkpr_ret; X2C_PCOPY((void **)&raw,raw_len); if (*part2) { /* second part */ *part2 = 0; aprsstr_AppCRC(raw, raw_len, (int32_t)rawlen); if (pr[253UL]==raw[rawlen] && pr[254UL]==raw[rawlen+1UL]) { /* join crc fits */ tmp = rawlen-1UL; i = 0UL; if (i<=tmp) for (;; i++) { pr[i+253UL] = raw[i]; /* append second part */ if (i==tmp) break; } /* end for */ *prlen = rawlen+253UL; /*IF verb THEN WrStr("pr part 2 join ok len="); WrInt(prlen,1); WrStrLn(""); END; */ chkpr_ret = 1; goto label; } } /* so tread this frame as part 1 */ /*IF verb THEN WrStrLn("pr part 2 join hash missmatch") END; */ i = 0UL; while (i=13UL) && i<=69UL) { /* is pr, not 2 to 10 shift up calls */ /*IF verb THEN WrStr("pr part 1 len="); WrInt(rawlen,1); WrStrLn("") END; */ *prlen = rawlen; for (i = 0UL; i<=254UL; i++) { pr[i] = raw[i]; } /* end for */ if (rawlen<255UL) { chkpr_ret = 1; goto label; } /* pr ready */ /* split pr part 1 */ *part2 = 1; /* next frame may be second part */ *prlen = 0UL; /* not complete now */ chkpr_ret = 1; goto label; } /* not 2 to 10 shift up calls so not pr frame */ *part2 = 0; *prlen = 0UL; chkpr_ret = 0; label:; X2C_PFREE(raw); return chkpr_ret; } /* end chkpr() */ static char decodemeshcom4(const char text[], uint32_t text_len, uint32_t textlen) /* MESHCOM4 */ { uint32_t te; uint32_t i; uint32_t tmp; if (verb) { /*-fcs */ i = 0UL; te = 0UL; while (te+2ULgpio, 29UL)&1); hascrc = (0x40U & (uint8_t)scpi(chip0->gpio, 28UL))!=0; crcvalid = 0; if (!rximplicit) { flags0 = scpi(chip0->gpio, 18UL); crcvalid = (0x20U & (uint8_t)flags0)==0; ferr = (int32_t)((scpi(chip0->gpio, 40UL)&15UL)*65536UL+scpi(chip0->gpio, 41UL)*256UL+scpi(chip0->gpio, 42UL)); if (ferr>=524288L) ferr -= 1048576L; afchz = (int32_t)X2C_TRUNCI((float)ferr*2.097152E-3f*_cnst[chip0->rxbw]*chip0->rxmhz*1.0526315789474E-3f, X2C_min_longint,X2C_max_longint); syncw = scpi(chip0->gpio, 57UL); snr = (int32_t)((signed char)scpi(chip0->gpio, 25UL)/4); level = (snr+(int32_t)scpi(chip0->gpio, 26UL))-164L; level += chip0->rssicorr; scpo(chip0->gpio, 13UL, scpi(chip0->gpio, 16UL)); len = scpi(chip0->gpio, 19UL); cr = scpi(chip0->gpio, 24UL)/32UL+4UL; if (verb) { aprsstr_TimeToStr(osic_time()%86400UL, s, 31ul); osi_WrStr(s, 31ul); osi_WrStr(" ", 2ul); Wrchipnum(chip0, 0); if (hascrc) { if (crcvalid) osi_WrStr(" crc:ok", 8ul); else osi_WrStr(" crc:err", 9ul); } else osi_WrStr(" crc:none", 10ul); osi_WrStr(" txd:", 6ul); osic_WrUINT32(chip0->rxtxdel, 1UL); osi_WrStr(" df:", 5ul); osic_WrINT32((uint32_t)afchz, 1UL); osi_WrStr(" net: ", 7ul); WrHex(syncw, 2UL, 0UL); osi_WrStr(" ih/crc:", 9ul); osic_WrINT32((uint32_t)rximplicit, 1UL); osic_WrINT32((uint32_t)hascrc, 1UL); osi_WrStr(" rssi:", 7ul); osic_WrINT32((uint32_t)level, 1UL); osi_WrStr(" snr:", 6ul); osic_WrINT32((uint32_t)snr, 1UL); osi_WrStr(" cr:", 5ul); osic_WrINT32(cr, 1UL); osi_WrStr(" len:", 6ul); osic_WrINT32(len, 1UL); osi_WrStrLn("", 1ul); } if (len>0UL && len<500UL) { scpio(chip0->gpio, 0, 0UL, len, h, 501ul); /* IF hascrc & crcvalid THEN */ if (chip0->netid>255UL || chip0->netid==syncw) { if (chkpr(h, 501ul, len, chip0->splitb, 351ul, &prlen, &chip0->issplit)) { /* look if is pr and reassemble split frames */ if (hascrc && crcvalid) { sendaxudp2(chip0, chip0->splitb, 351ul, prlen, (int32_t)chip0->rxtxdel, level, snr, afchz); /* pr frame ready */ } if (verb && prlen>2UL) { osi_WrStr("LORA:", 6ul); ShowFrame(chip0->splitb, 351ul, prlen-2UL, (char)(chip0->num+48UL)); } } else if (((hascrc && crcvalid) && h[0U]=='!') && decodemeshcom4(h, 501ul, len)) { } else { /*& (chip^.netid=2BH)*/ /* meshcom4 */ /* aprs */ tmp = len-1UL; i = 0UL; if (i<=tmp) for (;; i++) { if (i>=3UL && i3UL) { hx[len-3UL] = 0; if ((uint8_t)hx[len-4UL]<'\034') { hx[len-4UL] = 0; /* remove trailing LF */ } } else hx[0U] = 0; if (hascrc && crcvalid) { sendaxudp2(chip0, hx, 501ul, 0UL, (int32_t)chip0->rxtxdel, level, snr, afchz); /* aprs */ } } if (judpport) { sendjson(jipnum, judpport, syncw, h, 501ul, len, hascrc, crcvalid, chip0->swapiq, chip0->rxsf, cr, chip0->rxtxdel, chip0->rxbw, level, (float)snr, chip0->rxmhz, afchz); } } else if (verb) { osi_WrStrLn("", 1ul); osi_WrStr("packet filtert, wrong sync word received=", 42ul); WrHex(syncw, 2UL, 0UL); osi_WrStr(" filter=", 9ul); WrHex(chip0->netid, 2UL, 0UL); } /* END; */ if (verb) osi_WrStrLn("", 1ul); } else if (verb) osi_WrStrLn("zero len data", 14ul); scpo(chip0->gpio, 18UL, 255UL); Setmode(chip0, 133UL, 0, 0); /* rx continous */ } else if (verb) { Wrchipnum(chip0, 0); osi_WrStrLn(" implicit header", 17ul); } /* PROCEDURE calibrate(chp:pCHIP); VAR r:SET32; cur:CARDINAL; BEGIN cur:=scpi(chp^.gpio, RegOpMode); scpo(chp^.gpio, RegOpMode, 80H); (* sleep *) scpo(chp^.gpio, RegOpMode, 00H); (* fsk sleep *) scpo(chp^.gpio, RegOpMode, 4H); (* FSR *) usleep(500); -- scpo(chp^.gpio, RegImageCal, CALMASK+1); -- usleep(500); -- IF verb THEN WrStr("temp:"); WrInt(20-CAST(INT8, scpi(chp^.gpio, RegTemp)),1); WrStrLn("deg"); END; scpo(chp^.gpio, RegImageCal, CALMASK); r:=CAST(SET32, scpi(chp^.gpio, RegImageCal)); IF 3 IN r THEN (* temperature change occured *) scpo(chp^.gpio, RegOpMode, 1); (* fsk standby *) IF verb THEN WrStr("calibration ") END; INCL(r, 6); (* trigger calibration *) scpo(chp^.gpio, RegImageCal, CAST(CARDINAL,r)); REPEAT (* wait until done *) usleep(1000); IF verb THEN WrStr(".") END; UNTIL NOT (5 IN CAST(SET32, scpi(chp^.gpio, RegImageCal))); IF verb THEN WrStrLn(" done") END; END; scpo(chp^.gpio, RegOpMode, 80H); (* sleep *) scpo(chp^.gpio, RegOpMode, 84H); (* sleep *) scpo(chp^.gpio, RegOpMode, cur); END calibrate; */ } /* end rx() */ static void freegpio(int32_t); static void freegpio(int32_t signum) { uint32_t i; char h[2]; int32_t fd; for (i = 0UL; i<=255UL; i++) { if (gpiofds[i]!=-2L) { aprsstr_CardToStr(i, 1UL, h, 2ul); fd = osi_OpenWrite("/sys/class/gpio/unexport", 25ul); /* /sys/class/gpio/unexport */ if (fd>=0L) { osi_WrBin(fd, (char *)h, 2u/1u, 1UL); osic_Close(fd); } } } /* end for */ osi_WrStr("exit ", 6ul); osic_WrINT32((uint32_t)signum, 0UL); osi_WrStrLn("!", 2ul); X2C_HALT((uint32_t)signum); } /* end freegpio() */ static uint32_t flags; static uint32_t st; static pCHIP chip; static char dcd; static char txfast; static uint8_t banddcdall; static uint8_t banddcd; X2C_STACK_LIMIT(100000l) extern int main(int argc, char **argv) { X2C_BEGIN(&argc,argv,1,4000000l,8000000l); if (sizeof(GPIOSET)!=32) X2C_ASSERT(0); aprsstr_BEGIN(); osi_BEGIN(); signal(SIGTERM, freegpio); signal(SIGINT, freegpio); signal(SIGPIPE, freegpio); Parms(); chip = chips; while (chip) { /* set gpios */ dcd = scp(chip->gpio, 0, 1, 0, 0); /* NSS off */ chip->state = ra02_stSLEEP; chip = chip->next; } chip = chips; usleep(10000UL); while (chip) { usleep(1000UL); if (verb2) { Setmode(chip, 0UL, 1, 0); Showregs(chip); Setmode(chip, 128UL, 1, 0); Showregs(chip); } Setmode(chip, 0UL, 1, 0); scpo(chip->gpio, 54UL, 64UL); /* stop sequencer */ scpo(chip->gpio, 54UL, 0UL); /* 83H why ever */ /*scpo(chip^.gpio, RegFifoThresh, 1); */ Setmode(chip, 0UL, 1, 0); Setmode(chip, 1UL, 1, 0); Setmode(chip, 4UL, 1, 0); /* clear fifo */ Setmode(chip, 0UL, 1, 0); setppm(chip); chip = chip->next; } txfast = 0; for (;;) { if (chip==0) { chip = chips; banddcdall = banddcd; banddcd = 0U; ++tcnt; if (txfast) usleep(loopdelayfast); else usleep(loopdelay); txfast = 0; } if (chip->atx && chip->atx->sendfsk) txfast = 1; ++chip->calcnt; st = scpi(chip->gpio, 1UL); if (((uint8_t)st&0x6U)==0U && chip->state==ra02_stTX) { /* sleep or standby */ /*WrHex(scpi(chip^.gpio, RegOpMode),1); WrStr(" "); WrHex(scpi(chip^.gpio, RegIrqFlags),1); WrStrLn("=sleep/stby"); */ if (st==0UL) { Setmode(chip, 128UL, 1, 0); setppm(chip); if (verb) { Wrchipnum(chip, 0); osi_WrStrLn(" reseted", 9ul); } } if (chip->state!=ra02_stWAITDCD) { if ((chip->state==ra02_stTX && chip->atx) && chip->atx->ftextlen==0UL) { chip->atx = 0; } chip->state = ra02_stSLEEP; } } if (chip->state==ra02_stSLEEP) { if (chip->rxon) { setppm(chip); startrx(chip, 0); chip->state = ra02_stRX; } } /* ELSE Setmode(chip, 80H, TRUE, FALSE) END; (* sleep *) */ if (chip->rxon && chip->state==ra02_stRX) { flags = scpi(chip->gpio, 18UL); chip->stato = chip->statu; chip->statu = scpi(chip->gpio, 24UL); if ((chip->statu&1)) { /* dcd */ banddcd |= (1U<band); /* set dcd for this band */ if (!(chip->stato&1)) chip->mso = monotonicms(); else if ((0x8U & (uint8_t)chip->statu) && chip->mso) { /* header ok */ chip->rxtxdel = monotonicms()-chip->mso; chip->mso = 0UL; } } if ((0x40U & (uint8_t)flags)) rx(chip); } if (chip->state==ra02_stWAITDCD) { dcd = 0; if (chip->atx && !chip->atx->usedcd || dcddone(chip, &dcd)) { if (dcd) startdcdcheck(chip); else { setppm(chip); send(chip); chip->state = ra02_stTX; } } } else if (((chip->atx && chip->atx->ftextlen>0UL) && chip->state!=ra02_stTX) && !X2C_IN(chip->band,8, banddcd|banddcdall)) { if (chip->atx->sendfsk) { startfsk(chip); chip->state = ra02_stTX; } else { if (chip->atx->usedcd) startdcdcheck(chip); chip->state = ra02_stWAITDCD; } } if (chip->state==ra02_stTX) { if ((chip->atx && chip->atx->ftextlen>0UL) && chip->atx->sendfsk) txfill(chip); else if ((0x8U & (uint8_t)scpi(chip->gpio, 18UL))) { /* tx done */ if (chip->atx==0 || chip->atx->ftextlen==0UL) { /* for continous send */ chip->atx = 0; getaxudp2(chip); } if (chip->atx && chip->atx->ftextlen>0UL) { /*Setmode(chip, 81H, TRUE, FALSE); (* stop tx *) */ send(chip); } else Setmode(chip, 129UL, 1, 0); } } if ((chip->atx && chip->atx->ftextlen==0UL) && !chip->atx->sendfsk) chip->atx = 0; if (verb2 && (tcnt&7UL)==0UL) showv2(chip, banddcdall|banddcd); /* IF (chip^.state<>stTX) & (chip^.atx=NIL) THEN getaxudp2(chip) END; */ if (chip->state!=ra02_stTX && (chip->atx==0 || chip->atx->ftextlen==0UL)) getaxudp2(chip); /*IF chip^.atx<>NIL THEN WrInt(chip^.atx^.ftextlen,5); WrStrLn("=atx") ELSE WrStrLn(" no atx") END; */ chip = chip->next; } X2C_EXIT(); return 0; } X2C_MAIN_DEFINITION