/* Generated by XDS Modula-2 to ANSI C v4.20 translator */ #define X2C_int32 #define X2C_index32 #ifndef X2C_H_ #include "X2C.h" #endif #define cmslogin_C_ #ifndef aprsstr_H_ #include "aprsstr.h" #endif #ifndef osi_H_ #include "osi.h" #endif #ifndef mlib_H_ #include "mlib.h" #endif #ifndef tcp_H_ #include "tcp.h" #endif #ifndef Select_H_ #include "Select.h" #endif /* start tcp connection and make user/passwd dialog */ #define cmslogin_CR "\015" #define cmslogin_LF "\012" static char user[1025]; static char pw[1025]; static char h[1025]; static char b[1025]; static char ip[1025]; static char port[1025]; static int32_t fd; static int32_t l; static struct termios saved0; static void Err(char text[], uint32_t text_len) { X2C_PCOPY((void **)&text,text_len); osi_WrStr("cmslogin: ", 11ul); osi_WrStr(text, text_len); osi_WrStrLn("", 1ul); X2C_ABORT(); X2C_PFREE(text); } /* end Err() */ static void urlport(char s[], uint32_t s_len, char url[], uint32_t url_len, char port0[], uint32_t port_len) /* url:port to url port */ { int32_t ii; uint32_t j; uint32_t i; X2C_PCOPY((void **)&s,s_len); url[0UL] = 0; port0[0UL] = 0; i = 0UL; while (i<=s_len-1 && s[i]==' ') ++i; if (i<=s_len-1 && s[i]=='[') { /* ipv6 url */ j = 0UL; ++i; while ((i<=s_len-1 && s[i]) && s[i]!=']') { if (j<=url_len-1) { url[j] = s[i]; ++j; } ++i; } if (j<=url_len-1) url[j] = 0; if (i<=s_len-1 && s[i]==']') { ++i; if (i<=s_len-1 && s[i]==':') { /* ipv6 port */ j = 0UL; ++i; while (i<=s_len-1 && (uint8_t)s[i]>' ') { if (j<=port_len-1) { port0[j] = s[i]; ++j; } ++i; } if (j<=port_len-1) port0[j] = 0; } } } else { /* ipv4 */ aprsstr_Assign(url, url_len, s, s_len); ii = aprsstr_InStr(url, url_len, ":", 2ul); if (ii>0L) { url[ii] = 0; aprsstr_Delstr(s, s_len, 0UL, (uint32_t)(ii+1L)); aprsstr_Assign(port0, port_len, s, s_len); } } X2C_PFREE(s); } /* end urlport() */ static void SetComMode(int32_t fd0, struct termios * save) { struct termios term; int32_t res; struct termios * anonym; res = tcgetattr(fd0, save); res = tcgetattr(fd0, &term); { /* with */ struct termios * anonym = &term; anonym->c_lflag = 0UL; anonym->c_oflag = 0UL; anonym->c_iflag = 0UL; } /* cfmakeraw(&termios);*/ /* c_cflag :=CS8+CLOCAL+CREAD; */ res = tcsetattr(fd0, 2L, &term); } /* end SetComMode() */ static void ReSetComMode(int32_t fd0, struct termios * save) { int32_t res; res = tcsetattr(fd0, 2L, save); } /* end ReSetComMode() */ static int32_t waitprompt(int32_t fd0) { uint32_t st; char ch; st = 0UL; for (;;) { fdclr(); fdsetr((uint32_t)fd0); if (selectr(0UL, 0UL)>=0L && issetr((uint32_t)fd0)) { if (osi_RdBin(fd0, (char *) &ch, 1u/1u, 1UL)!=1L) return -1L; if (st==0UL && ch==':') st = 1UL; else if (st==1UL && (ch=='\015' || ch=='\012')) break; } } return 0L; } /* end waitprompt() */ X2C_STACK_LIMIT(100000l) extern int main(int argc, char **argv) { X2C_BEGIN(&argc,argv,1,4000000l,8000000l); osi_BEGIN(); aprsstr_BEGIN(); osi_NextArg(h, 1025ul); if (h[0U]=='-' && h[1U]=='h') { Err("usage: cmslogin \012example: ./l2cat -i\ OE0AAA-11 -U -m 0 -c \"./cmslogin cmslogin server.winlin\ k.org:8772 %U CMSTelnet\"", 164ul); } urlport(h, 1025ul, ip, 1025ul, port, 1025ul); osi_NextArg(user, 1025ul); if (user[0U]==0) Err("need a user call", 17ul); osi_NextArg(pw, 1025ul); if (pw[0U]==0) Err("need a password", 16ul); fd = connectto(ip, port); if ((int32_t)fd<0L) Err("connection failed", 18ul); /* l:=socknonblock(fd); */ if (waitprompt(fd)<0L) Err("connection lost", 16ul); aprsstr_Append(user, 1025ul, "\015", 2ul); osi_WrBin(fd, (char *)user, 1025u/1u, aprsstr_Length(user, 1025ul)); if (waitprompt(fd)<0L) Err("connection lost", 16ul); aprsstr_Append(pw, 1025ul, "\015", 2ul); osi_WrBin(fd, (char *)pw, 1025u/1u, aprsstr_Length(pw, 1025ul)); SetComMode(0L, &saved0); for (;;) { fdclr(); fdsetr((uint32_t)fd); fdsetr(0UL); if (selectr(0UL, 0UL)>=0L) { if (issetr((uint32_t)fd)) { l = osi_RdBin(fd, (char *)b, 1025u/1u, 1025UL); if (l<=0L) break; osi_WrBin(1L, (char *)b, 1025u/1u, (uint32_t)l); } if (issetr(0UL)) { l = osi_RdBin(0L, (char *)b, 1025u/1u, 1025UL); if (l<=0L) break; osi_WrBin(fd, (char *)b, 1025u/1u, (uint32_t)l); } } } ReSetComMode(0L, &saved0); X2C_EXIT(); return 0; } X2C_MAIN_DEFINITION