/* Generated by XDS Modula-2 to ANSI C v4.20 translator */ #define X2C_int32 #define X2C_index32 #ifndef X2C_H_ #include "X2C.h" #endif #define adsb2aprs_C_ #ifndef osi_H_ #include "osi.h" #endif #include #ifndef mlib_H_ #include "mlib.h" #endif #ifndef tcp_H_ #include "tcp.h" #endif #ifndef udp_H_ #include "udp.h" #endif #ifndef aprsstr_H_ #include "aprsstr.h" #endif #ifndef tcpb_H_ #include "tcpb.h" #endif #ifndef aprspos_H_ #include "aprspos.h" #endif #include #ifndef libsrtm_H_ #include "libsrtm.h" #endif /* dump1090 tcp output to aprs beacon by OE5DXL */ #define adsb2aprs_TIMETOL 20 /* max seconds between dir/speed and pos */ #define adsb2aprs_PURGETIME 120 /* seconds keep context */ #define adsb2aprs_DEFAULTBEACONTIME 20 #define adsb2aprs_SYMBOL "/^" #define adsb2aprs_KNOTS 1.852 /* nautic miles */ #define adsb2aprs_FEET 0.3048 #define adsb2aprs_PI 3.1415926535898 #define adsb2aprs_RAD 1.7453292519943E-2 #define adsb2aprs_LF "\012" typedef char CSV[100][21]; struct FLY; typedef struct FLY * pFLY; struct FLY { pFLY next; char hex[6]; char name[21]; float lat; float long0; float alt; float speed; float dir; float clb; uint32_t speedtime; uint32_t postime; uint32_t lasttime; uint32_t lastbeacon; char newpos; }; static char url[1001]; static char port[1001]; static char reconn; static char verb; static char verb2; static int32_t fd; static pFLY dbase; static uint32_t btime; static char mycall[10]; static char symbol[3]; static char comment0[201]; static int32_t udpsock; static uint32_t ipnum; static uint32_t toport; static float altcorr; static struct aprsstr_POSITION homepos; static float homealt; static float homealtwgs; static char titles[41][41]; static char csvfn[1024]; static void Error(char text[], uint32_t text_len) { X2C_PCOPY((void **)&text,text_len); osi_Werr(text, text_len); osi_WerrLn(" error abort", 13ul); X2C_ABORT(); X2C_PFREE(text); } /* end Error() */ static char GetNum(const char h[], uint32_t h_len, char eot, uint32_t * p, uint32_t * n) { *n = 0UL; while ((uint8_t)h[*p]>='0' && (uint8_t)h[*p]<='9') { *n = ( *n*10UL+(uint32_t)(uint8_t)h[*p])-48UL; ++*p; } return h[*p]==eot; } /* end GetNum() */ static uint32_t truncc(double r) { if (r<=0.0) return 0UL; else if (r>=2.147483647E+9) return 2147483647UL; else return (uint32_t)X2C_TRUNCC(r,0UL,X2C_max_longcard); return 0; } /* end truncc() */ static uint32_t truncr(float r) { if (r<=0.0f) return 0UL; else if (r>=2.147483647E+9f) return 2147483647UL; else return (uint32_t)X2C_TRUNCC(r,0UL,X2C_max_longcard); return 0; } /* end truncr() */ static int32_t GetIp(char h[], uint32_t h_len, uint32_t * p, uint32_t * ip0, uint32_t * port0) { uint32_t n; uint32_t i; char ok0; int32_t GetIp_ret; X2C_PCOPY((void **)&h,h_len); *p = 0UL; h[h_len-1] = 0; *ip0 = 0UL; for (i = 0UL; i<=4UL; i++) { n = 0UL; ok0 = 0; while ((uint8_t)h[*p]>='0' && (uint8_t)h[*p]<='9') { ok0 = 1; n = (n*10UL+(uint32_t)(uint8_t)h[*p])-48UL; ++*p; } if (!ok0) { GetIp_ret = -1L; goto label; } if (i<3UL) { if (h[*p]!='.' || n>255UL) { GetIp_ret = -1L; goto label; } *ip0 = *ip0*256UL+n; } else if (i==3UL) { *ip0 = *ip0*256UL+n; if (h[*p]!=':' || n>255UL) { GetIp_ret = -1L; goto label; } } else if (n>65535UL) { GetIp_ret = -1L; goto label; } *port0 = n; ++*p; } /* end for */ GetIp_ret = 0L; label:; X2C_PFREE(h); return GetIp_ret; } /* end GetIp() */ static void Parms(void) { char s[1001]; uint32_t n; uint32_t m; char titlesset; reconn = 0; verb = 0; verb2 = 0; strncpy(url,"",1001u); strncpy(port,"30003",1001u); mycall[0] = 0; btime = 20UL; strncpy(symbol,"/^",3u); altcorr = 0.0f; comment0[0] = 0; homealt = (-1.E+4f); homepos.lat = 0.0f; homepos.long0 = 0.0f; titlesset = 0; libsrtm_srtmdir[0] = 0; memset((char *)titles,(char)0,1681UL); for (;;) { osi_NextArg(s, 1001ul); if (s[0U]==0) break; if ((s[0U]=='-' && s[1U]) && s[2U]==0) { if (s[1U]=='t') { osi_NextArg(s, 1001ul); /* url */ n = 0UL; while ((n<1000UL && s[n]) && s[n]!=':') { if (n<1000UL) url[n] = s[n]; ++n; } if (n>1000UL) n = 1000UL; url[n] = 0; if (s[n]==':') { m = 0UL; ++n; while ((n<1000UL && s[n]) && m<1000UL) { port[m] = s[n]; ++n; ++m; } if (m>1000UL) m = 1000UL; port[m] = 0; } } else if (s[1U]=='k') reconn = 1; else if (s[1U]=='a') { osi_NextArg(s, 1001ul); if (!aprsstr_StrToFix(&altcorr, s, 1001ul)) { Error("-a ", 11ul); } } else if (s[1U]=='A') { osi_NextArg(s, 1001ul); if (!aprsstr_StrToFix(&homealt, s, 1001ul)) { Error("-A ", 11ul); } } else if (s[1U]=='b') { osi_NextArg(s, 1001ul); n = 0UL; if (!GetNum(s, 1001ul, 0, &n, &btime)) Error("-b ", 7ul); } else if (s[1U]=='I') { osi_NextArg(mycall, 10ul); if (aprsstr_Length(mycall, 10ul)<3UL || aprsstr_Length(mycall, 10ul)>9UL) Error("-I ", 14ul); } else if (s[1U]=='s') { osi_NextArg(symbol, 3ul); if (aprsstr_Length(symbol, 3ul)!=2UL || symbol[0U]=='-') { Error("-s ", 12ul); } } else if (s[1U]=='c') osi_NextArg(comment0, 201ul); else if (s[1U]=='u') { osi_NextArg(s, 1001ul); n = 0UL; if (GetIp(s, 1001ul, &n, &ipnum, &toport)<0L) { Error("-u ip:port number", 18ul); } udpsock = openudp(); if (udpsock<0L) Error("cannot open udp socket", 23ul); } else if (s[1U]=='v') verb = 1; else if (s[1U]=='V') { verb = 1; verb2 = 1; } else if (s[1U]=='P') { osi_NextArg(s, 1001ul); aprsstr_loctopos(&homepos, s, 1001ul); if (!aprspos_posvalid(homepos)) { if (!aprsstr_StrToFix(&homepos.lat, s, 1001ul) || (float)fabs(homepos.lat)>=90.0f) { Error("-P or ", 29ul); } osi_NextArg(s, 1001ul); if (!aprsstr_StrToFix(&homepos.long0, s, 1001ul) || (float)fabs(homepos.long0)>180.0f) { Error("-P or ", 29ul); } homepos.lat = homepos.lat*1.7453292519943E-2f; homepos.long0 = homepos.long0*1.7453292519943E-2f; } } else if (s[1U]=='S') osi_NextArg(libsrtm_srtmdir, 1024ul); else if (s[1U]=='f') { osi_NextArg(s, 1001ul); m = 1UL; n = 0UL; titlesset = 1; s[1000U] = 0; while (m<=40UL && s[n]) { if (s[n]==',') ++m; else { aprsstr_Append(titles[m], 41ul, (char *) &s[n], 1u/1u); } ++n; } } else if (s[1U]=='D') osi_NextArg(csvfn, 1024ul); else if (s[1U]=='h') { osi_WrStrLn("", 1ul); osi_WrStrLn("dump1090 basestation format tcp output to aprs objec\ t beacon", 61ul); osi_WrStrLn("", 1ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -A my altitude for elevation else \ (if avaliable) from srtm data (egm)", 88ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -a correct altitude -a 50 (0) bett\ er use WW15MGH.DAC file in -S", 82ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -b aprs minimum send intervall -b \ 10 (20)", 60ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -c append text to beacon and enabl\ e \"Clb=\"", 61ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -D append text to beacon out of ai\ rcraft-database.csv (index is ICAO number)", 95ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -f ,<title>,... set titles according to csv \ database fields (index is first field ICAO)", 96ul); osi_WrStrLn(" empty fields are skipped \"R\ eg,,,Model,,Serial\"", 71ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -h help", 26ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -I <mycall> Sender of Object Callsign -I OE\ 0AAA", 57ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -k keep tcp connection", 41ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -P <lat> <long> or <locator> my Position for Dista\ nce/Azimuth/Elevation", 74ul); osi_WrStrLn(" eg. -P JQ50AB12CD or -P 70.05\ 06 10.0092", 63ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -S <pathname> directory with SRTM(1/3/30) Dat\ a and WW15MGH.DAC file (egm96-Geoid)", 89ul); osi_WrStrLn(" for Overground Calculation", 50ul); osi_WrStrLn(" example with: -S /home/pi", 49ul); osi_WrStrLn(" /home/pi/WW15MGH.DAC (\ 2076480Byte, covers whole World)", 85ul); osi_WrStrLn(" /home/pi/srtm1/N48E014.hgt (\ 25934402Byte)", 66ul); osi_WrStrLn(" /home/pi/srtm1/N48E015.hgt", 50ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -s <symbol> aprs symbol (/^)", 38ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -t <url:port> connect dump1090 tcp server (12\ \"dump1090 --net\"", 84ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -u <ip>:<port> send AXUDP -u us\ e udpgate4 or aprsmap as receiver", 86ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -V very verbous", 34ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -v verbous", 29ul); osi_WrStrLn("example: -t -I YOURCALL-11 -u 127.0.\ 0.1:9002 -k -v -c 1090MHz", 78ul); osi_WrStrLn("before this start \"dump1090 --net\"", 35ul); osi_WrStrLn("", 1ul); X2C_ABORT(); } else { osi_Werr(">", 2ul); osi_Werr(s, 1001ul); Error("< ? use -h", 11ul); } } else Error("-h", 3ul); } if (!titlesset) { strncpy(titles[1U],"Reg",41u); strncpy(titles[2U],"ManICAO",41u); strncpy(titles[3U],"ManName",41u); strncpy(titles[4U],"Model",41u); strncpy(titles[5U],"Type",41u); strncpy(titles[6U],"Ser",41u); strncpy(titles[7U],"Linenum",41u); /* titles[8 ]:="icaotype"; */ strncpy(titles[9U],"op",41u); strncpy(titles[10U],"opcall",41u); /* titles[11]:="opicao"; */ /* titles[12]:="opiata"; */ strncpy(titles[13U],"owner",41u); strncpy(titles[15U],"reg",41u); strncpy(titles[16U],"till",41u); strncpy(titles[18U],"built",41u); strncpy(titles[19U],"fitst",41u); } } /* end Parms() */ static void decodeline(const char line0[], uint32_t line_len, CSV csv0) { uint32_t j; uint32_t w; uint32_t i; memset((char *)csv0,(char)0,2100UL); i = 0UL; j = 0UL; w = 0UL; while (i<=line_len-1 && (uint8_t)line0[i]>=' ') { if (line0[i]!=',') { if (w<=99UL && j<=20UL) { csv0[w][j] = line0[i]; ++j; } } else { ++w; j = 0UL; } ++i; } } /* end decodeline() */ static char num(uint32_t n) { return (char)(n%10UL+48UL); } /* end num() */ static uint32_t dao91(double x) /* radix91(xx/1.1) of dddmm.mmxx */ { double a; a = fabs(x); return ((truncc((a-(double)(float)truncc(a))*6.E+5)%100UL) *20UL+11UL)/22UL; } /* end dao91() */ static void sendaprs(char dao, uint32_t time0, char mycall0[], uint32_t mycall_len, char destcall[], uint32_t destcall_len, char via[], uint32_t via_len, char sym[], uint32_t sym_len, char obj[], uint32_t obj_len, double lat, double long0, double alt, double course, double speed, float clb, char comm[], uint32_t comm_len) { char ds[501]; char h[501]; char b[501]; char raw[361]; int32_t rp; uint32_t n; uint32_t i; float a; X2C_PCOPY((void **)&mycall0,mycall_len); X2C_PCOPY((void **)&destcall,destcall_len); X2C_PCOPY((void **)&via,via_len); X2C_PCOPY((void **)&sym,sym_len); X2C_PCOPY((void **)&obj,obj_len); X2C_PCOPY((void **)&comm,comm_len); b[0] = 0; aprsstr_Append(b, 501ul, mycall0, mycall_len); aprsstr_Append(b, 501ul, ">", 2ul); aprsstr_Append(b, 501ul, destcall, destcall_len); if (via[0UL]) { aprsstr_Append(b, 501ul, ",", 2ul); aprsstr_Append(b, 501ul, via, via_len); } aprsstr_Append(b, 501ul, ":;", 3ul); aprsstr_Assign(h, 501ul, obj, obj_len); aprsstr_Append(h, 501ul, " ", 10ul); h[9U] = 0; aprsstr_Append(b, 501ul, h, 501ul); aprsstr_Append(b, 501ul, "*", 2ul); aprsstr_DateToStr(time0, ds, 501ul); ds[0U] = ds[11U]; ds[1U] = ds[12U]; ds[2U] = ds[14U]; ds[3U] = ds[15U]; ds[4U] = ds[17U]; ds[5U] = ds[18U]; ds[6U] = 0; aprsstr_Append(b, 501ul, ds, 501ul); aprsstr_Append(b, 501ul, "h", 2ul); i = aprsstr_Length(b, 501ul); a = (float)fabs(lat); n = truncr(a); b[i] = num(n/10UL); ++i; b[i] = num(n); ++i; n = truncr((a-(float)n)*6000.0f); b[i] = num(n/1000UL); ++i; b[i] = num(n/100UL); ++i; b[i] = '.'; ++i; b[i] = num(n/10UL); ++i; b[i] = num(n); ++i; if (lat>=0.0) b[i] = 'N'; else b[i] = 'S'; ++i; b[i] = sym[0UL]; ++i; a = (float)fabs(long0); n = truncr(a); b[i] = num(n/100UL); ++i; b[i] = num(n/10UL); ++i; b[i] = num(n); ++i; n = truncr((a-(float)n)*6000.0f); b[i] = num(n/1000UL); ++i; b[i] = num(n/100UL); ++i; b[i] = '.'; ++i; b[i] = num(n/10UL); ++i; b[i] = num(n); ++i; if (lat>=0.0) b[i] = 'E'; else b[i] = 'W'; ++i; b[i] = sym[1UL]; ++i; if (speed>0.5) { n = truncr((float)(course+1.5)); b[i] = num(n/100UL); ++i; b[i] = num(n/10UL); ++i; b[i] = num(n); ++i; b[i] = '/'; ++i; n = truncr((float)(speed*5.3995680345572E-1+0.5)); b[i] = num(n/100UL); ++i; b[i] = num(n/10UL); ++i; b[i] = num(n); ++i; } if (alt>0.5) { b[i] = '/'; ++i; b[i] = 'A'; ++i; b[i] = '='; ++i; n = truncr((float)fabs(alt*3.2808398950131+0.5)); if (alt>=0.0) b[i] = num(n/100000UL); else b[i] = '-'; ++i; b[i] = num(n/10000UL); ++i; b[i] = num(n/1000UL); ++i; b[i] = num(n/100UL); ++i; b[i] = num(n/10UL); ++i; b[i] = num(n); ++i; } if (dao) { b[i] = '!'; ++i; b[i] = 'w'; ++i; b[i] = (char)(33UL+dao91(lat)); ++i; b[i] = (char)(33UL+dao91(long0)); ++i; b[i] = '!'; ++i; } b[i] = 0; /* IF clb<>0.0 THEN */ b[i] = 'C'; ++i; b[i] = 'l'; ++i; b[i] = 'b'; ++i; b[i] = '='; ++i; b[i] = 0; aprsstr_FixToStr(clb*4.7625E-3f, 2UL, h, 501ul); /* looks like feet/s * 64 */ aprsstr_Append(b, 501ul, h, 501ul); /* END; */ if (comm[0UL]) { aprsstr_Append(b, 501ul, " ", 2ul); aprsstr_Append(b, 501ul, comm, comm_len); } if (verb) osi_WrStrLn(b, 501ul); b[254U] = 0; /* limit len for aprs */ aprsstr_mon2raw(b, 501ul, raw, 361ul, &rp); if (rp==0L) { osi_WerrLn("axudp encode error (possibly call not encodable", 48ul); } rp = udpsend(udpsock, raw, rp, toport, ipnum); X2C_PFREE(mycall0); X2C_PFREE(destcall); X2C_PFREE(via); X2C_PFREE(sym); X2C_PFREE(obj); X2C_PFREE(comm); } /* end sendaprs() */ #define adsb2aprs_SEP "\"" struct DB; typedef struct DB * pDB; struct DB { pDB next; uint8_t icaomsb; char str[65556]; }; static pDB dbidx[65536]; static uint32_t ghex(const char s[], uint32_t s_len) { uint32_t n; uint32_t i; char c; n = 0UL; i = 0UL; for (;;) { c = X2C_CAP(s[i]); if ((uint8_t)c>='0' && (uint8_t)c<='9') { n = (n*16UL+(uint32_t)(uint8_t)c)-48UL; } else if ((uint8_t)c>='A' && (uint8_t)c<='F') { n = (n*16UL+(uint32_t)(uint8_t)c)-55UL; } else break; ++i; if (i>s_len-1) break; } return n; } /* end ghex() */ static char getch(char b[4096], int32_t fd0, int32_t * len, int32_t * p) { if (*p>=*len) { *len = osi_RdBin(fd0, (char *)b, 4096u/1u, 4096UL); if (*len<=0L) return 0; *p = 0L; } ++*p; return b[*p-1L]; } /* end getch() */ static int32_t getword(int32_t * p, int32_t * len, int32_t fd0, char b[4096], char s[], uint32_t s_len) { uint32_t i; char inqu; i = 0UL; inqu = 0; for (;;) { s[i] = getch(b, fd0, len, p); if (s[i]==0) return -1L; if (s[i]=='\012') { s[i] = 0; return 0L; } if (!inqu && s[i]==',') { s[i] = 0; return 1L; } if (s[i]=='\"') inqu = !inqu; else if ((i<s_len-1 && (uint8_t)s[i]>=' ') && (uint8_t) s[i]<(uint8_t)'\200') ++i; } return 0; } /* end getword() */ static void rdcsv(char fn[], uint32_t fn_len) { int32_t r; int32_t len; int32_t p; uint32_t cnt; uint32_t line0; uint32_t i; int32_t fd0; /* pm:pDB; */ char b[4096]; char h[1024]; char s[1024]; char f[50][100]; pDB pd; uint32_t dupes; uint32_t msb; uint32_t wc; uint32_t icao; X2C_PCOPY((void **)&fn,fn_len); memset((char *)dbidx,(char)0,sizeof(pDB [65536])); cnt = 0UL; fd0 = osi_OpenRead(fn, fn_len); if (fd0<0L) Error("database file not readable", 27ul); if (verb) osi_WerrLn("importing aircraft database", 28ul); line0 = 0UL; dupes = 0UL; p = 0L; len = 0L; for (;;) { wc = 0UL; for (;;) { r = getword(&p, &len, fd0, b, f[wc], 100ul); if (r<=0L) break; if (wc<49UL) ++wc; } if (r>=0L) { icao = ghex(f[0U], 100ul); msb = icao/65536UL; icao = icao&65535UL; pd = dbidx[icao]; while (pd && (uint32_t)pd->icaomsb!=msb) pd = pd->next; if (pd==0) { h[0] = 0; i = 1UL; while (i<wc) { if (i<=40UL) { aprsstr_Append(h, 1024ul, "\"", 2ul); aprsstr_Append(h, 1024ul, f[i], 100ul); } ++i; } osic_alloc((char * *) &pd, (sizeof(struct DB)-65535UL)+aprsstr_Length(h, 1024ul)); if (pd==0) { aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t)line0, 1UL, s, 1024ul); osi_Werr("in line:", 9ul); osi_Werr(s, 1024ul); Error(" out of memory", 15ul); } pd->icaomsb = (uint8_t)msb; aprsstr_Assign(pd->str, 65556ul, h, 1024ul); pd->next = dbidx[icao]; dbidx[icao] = pd; ++line0; } else ++dupes; } else { if (verb) { aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t)line0, 1UL, s, 1024ul); osi_Werr(s, 1024ul); osi_WerrLn(" Lines imported", 16ul); if (dupes) { aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t)dupes, 1UL, s, 1024ul); osi_Werr(s, 1024ul); osi_WerrLn(" duplicates removed", 20ul); } } break; } } osic_Close(fd0); X2C_PFREE(fn); } /* end rdcsv() */ static void appenddb(const char icao[], uint32_t icao_len, char s[], uint32_t s_len) { uint32_t i; uint32_t col; uint32_t ic; uint8_t icm; pDB p; ic = ghex(icao, icao_len); p = dbidx[ic&65535UL]; icm = (uint8_t)(ic/65536UL); while (p && p->icaomsb!=icm) p = p->next; if (p) { /*WrStr("<<<");WrStr(p^.str); WrStrLn(">>>"); */ col = 0UL; i = 0UL; while (p->str[i] && col<=40UL) { if (p->str[i]=='\"') { ++col; if ((p->str[i+1UL]!='\"' && (uint8_t)p->str[i+1UL]>' ') && titles[col][0U]) { aprsstr_Append(s, s_len, " ", 2ul); aprsstr_Append(s, s_len, titles[col], 41ul); aprsstr_Append(s, s_len, ":", 2ul); } } else if (titles[col][0U]) { aprsstr_Append(s, s_len, (char *) &p->str[i], 1u/1u); } ++i; } } } /* end appenddb() */ static void elevation(double * el, double * c, struct aprsstr_POSITION home, double homealt0, struct aprsstr_POSITION dist, double distalt) { float z1; float y1; float x1; float z0; float y00; float x0; double sb; double r; double s; double b; double a; *el = (-1000.0); aprspos_wgs84s(home.lat, home.long0, (float)(homealt0*0.001), &x0, &y00, &z0); aprspos_wgs84s(dist.lat, dist.long0, (float)(distalt*0.001), &x1, &y1, &z1); a = sqrt((double)(x0*x0+y00*y00+z0*z0)); b = sqrt((double)(x1*x1+y1*y1+z1*z1)); x1 = x1-x0; y1 = y1-y00; z1 = z1-z0; *c = sqrt((double)(x1*x1+y1*y1+z1*z1)); /* halbwinkelsatz */ s = (a+b+*c)*0.5; if (s==0.0) return; r = X2C_DIVL((s-a)*(s-b)*(s-*c),s); if (r<=0.0) return; r = sqrt(r); sb = s-b; if (sb!=0.0) *el = 1.1459155902616E+2*atan(X2C_DIVL(r,sb))-90.0; else *el = 90.0; } /* end elevation() */ static float getoverground(float lat, float long0, float alt) { struct aprsstr_POSITION pos; float resolution; float srtm; libsrtm_srtmmaxmem = 1000000UL; pos.lat = lat; pos.long0 = long0; srtm = libsrtm_getsrtm(pos, 1UL, &resolution); if (srtm<10000.0f && srtm>(-1000.0f)) { if (alt<=(-3.E+4f)) return srtm; /* srtm request */ return alt-srtm; } return (-1.E+5f); } /* end getoverground() */ static float egmcorr(const struct aprsstr_POSITION pos, char invers, float a) /* correct altitude wgs84/egm */ { float e; char ok0; if (libsrtm_srtmdir[0U]) { ok0 = 1; e = libsrtm_egm96(pos, &ok0); if (ok0) { if (invers) e = -e; a = a-e; } } return a; } /* end egmcorr() */ static void aprs(const struct FLY f) { char h[31]; char obj[31]; char ct[501]; double dist; double ele; float azi; float altegm; float altwgs; float og; struct aprsstr_POSITION pos; aprsstr_Assign(obj, 31ul, f.name, 21ul); obj[9U] = 0; while (aprsstr_Length(obj, 31ul)<9UL) aprsstr_Append(obj, 31ul, " ", 2ul); strncpy(ct,"ICAO:",501u); aprsstr_Append(ct, 501ul, f.hex, 6ul); aprsstr_Append(ct, 501ul, " ", 2ul); altwgs = f.alt; pos.lat = f.lat*1.7453292519943E-2f; pos.long0 = f.long0*1.7453292519943E-2f; if (altcorr!=0.0f) altegm = altwgs+altcorr; else if (libsrtm_srtmdir[0U]) altegm = egmcorr(pos, 0, altwgs); if (aprspos_posvalid(homepos)) { azi = aprspos_azimuth(homepos, pos); aprsstr_FixToStr(azi, 0UL, h, 31ul); aprsstr_Append(ct, 501ul, "az=", 4ul); aprsstr_Append(ct, 501ul, h, 31ul); if (homealtwgs>(-1000.0f)) { /* elevation */ ele = (-100.0); elevation(&ele, &dist, homepos, (double)homealtwgs, pos, (double)altwgs); aprsstr_FixToStr((float)dist, 4UL, h, 31ul); aprsstr_Append(ct, 501ul, " d=", 4ul); aprsstr_Append(ct, 501ul, h, 31ul); aprsstr_Append(ct, 501ul, "km", 3ul); if (fabs(ele)<=90.0) { aprsstr_FixToStr((float)ele, 3UL, h, 31ul); aprsstr_Append(ct, 501ul, " el=", 5ul); aprsstr_Append(ct, 501ul, h, 31ul); } if (libsrtm_srtmdir[0U]) { og = getoverground(pos.lat, pos.long0, altegm); if (og>(-1000.0f)) { aprsstr_FixToStr(og, 0UL, h, 31ul); aprsstr_Append(ct, 501ul, " og=", 5ul); aprsstr_Append(ct, 501ul, h, 31ul); aprsstr_Append(ct, 501ul, "m", 2ul); } } } } appenddb(f.hex, 6ul, ct, 501ul); if (comment0[0U]) { aprsstr_Append(ct, 501ul, " ", 2ul); aprsstr_Append(ct, 501ul, comment0, 201ul); } sendaprs(1, f.postime, mycall, 10ul, "APLFR1", 7ul, "", 1ul, symbol, 3ul, obj, 31ul, (double)f.lat, (double)f.long0, (double)altegm, (double)f.dir, (double)(f.speed*1.852f), f.clb, ct, 501ul); } /* end aprs() */ static void store(const CSV csv0) { pFLY f0; pFLY f1; pFLY f; uint32_t msg; uint32_t t; float oalt; float olong; float olat; t = osic_time(); if ((((csv0[0U][0U]=='M' && csv0[0U][1U]=='S') && csv0[0U][2U]=='G') && aprsstr_StrToCard(csv0[1U], 21ul, &msg)) && (((msg==1UL || msg==2UL) || msg==3UL) || msg==4UL)) { f = dbase; f0 = 0; while (f && !aprsstr_StrCmp(f->hex, 6ul, csv0[4U], 21ul)) { f1 = f->next; if (f->lasttime+120UL<t) { if (f0==0) dbase = f1; else f0->next = f1; if (verb2) { osi_WrStr("purge ", 7ul); osi_WrStrLn(f->hex, 6ul); } osic_free((char * *) &f, sizeof(struct FLY)); } else f0 = f; f = f1; } if (f==0) { osic_alloc((char * *) &f, sizeof(struct FLY)); if (f==0) { osi_WerrLn("Out of Memory", 14ul); return; } memset((char *)f,(char)0,sizeof(struct FLY)); f->next = dbase; dbase = f; aprsstr_Assign(f->hex, 6ul, csv0[4U], 21ul); if (verb2) { osi_WrStr("new ", 5ul); osi_WrStrLn(f->hex, 6ul); } } f->lasttime = t; if (msg==1UL) { if (verb2 && f->name[0U]==0) { osi_WrStr("found name ", 12ul); osi_WrStr(f->hex, 6ul); osi_WrStr(" ", 2ul); osi_WrStrLn(f->name, 21ul); } aprsstr_Assign(f->name, 21ul, csv0[10U], 21ul); } else if (msg==4UL) { if ((((aprsstr_StrToFix(&f->speed, csv0[12U], 21ul) && aprsstr_StrToFix(&f->dir, csv0[13U], 21ul)) && aprsstr_StrToFix(&f->clb, csv0[16U], 21ul)) && f->dir>=0.0f) && f->dir<=360.0f) f->speedtime = t; } else if (msg==3UL || msg==2UL) { oalt = 0.0f; if ((((((((msg==2UL || aprsstr_StrToFix(&oalt, csv0[11U], 21ul)) && aprsstr_StrToFix(&olat, csv0[14U], 21ul)) && olat>(-90.0f)) && olat<90.0f) && aprsstr_StrToFix(&olong, csv0[15U], 21ul)) && olong>(-180.0f)) && olong<180.0f) && (olong!=f->long0 || olat!=f->lat)) { f->postime = t; f->newpos = 1; f->lat = olat; f->long0 = olong; if (oalt!=0.0f) f->alt = oalt*0.3048f+altcorr; else f->alt = 0.0f; if (msg==2UL) f->speedtime = t; } } if (f->lastbeacon>t) f->lastbeacon = t; if (((((((f->newpos && f->name[0U]) && f->postime+20UL>=t) && f->speedtime+20UL>=t) && f->speed>=0.0f) && f->lat!=0.0f) && f->long0!=0.0f) && f->lastbeacon+btime<t) { aprs(*f); f->newpos = 0; f->lastbeacon = t; } } } /* end store() */ static char ibuf[201]; static char line[201]; static uint32_t ip; static uint32_t lp; static CSV csv; X2C_STACK_LIMIT(100000l) extern int main(int argc, char **argv) { X2C_BEGIN(&argc,argv,1,4000000l,8000000l); if (sizeof(CSV)!=2100) X2C_ASSERT(0); libsrtm_BEGIN(); aprspos_BEGIN(); aprsstr_BEGIN(); osi_BEGIN(); Parms(); if (csvfn[0U]) rdcsv(csvfn, 1024ul); homealtwgs = homealt; if ((aprspos_posvalid(homepos) && libsrtm_srtmdir[0U]) && homealt<=(-1000.0f)) { homealt = -getoverground(homepos.lat, homepos.long0, 0.0f); if (verb) osi_WrStrLn("get home altitude from srtm", 28ul); homealtwgs = egmcorr(homepos, 1, homealt); /* altitude to wgs84 */ } if (verb && homealt>(-1000.0f)) { osi_WrStr("home altitude (egm):", 21ul); osic_WrFixed(homealt, 1L, 1UL); osi_WrStrLn("m", 2ul); if (homealt!=homealtwgs) { osi_WrStr("home altitude (wgs84):", 23ul); osic_WrFixed(homealtwgs, 1L, 1UL); osi_WrStrLn("m", 2ul); } } fd = -1L; dbase = 0; fd = connecttob(url, port); lp = 0UL; for (;;) { if (fd>=0L) { if (readsockb(fd, (char *)ibuf, 201L)<0L) { /* connect lost */ osic_Close(fd); fd = -1L; } else { for (ip = 0UL; ip<=200UL; ip++) { if ((uint8_t)ibuf[ip]<' ') { if (lp<200UL) line[lp] = 0; if (aprsstr_Length(line, 201ul)>2UL) { if (verb2) osi_WrStrLn(line, 201ul); decodeline(line, 201ul, csv); store(csv); lp = 0UL; } } else if (lp<200UL) { line[lp] = ibuf[ip]; ++lp; } } /* end for */ } } else { osi_WerrLn("connection lost", 16ul); if (reconn) { usleep(1000000UL); fd = connecttob(url, port); } else break; } } X2C_EXIT(); return 0; } X2C_MAIN_DEFINITION